How to remove cooking oil stain from patio pavers?

by Mar14759081
  10 answers
  • Itsmemic Itsmemic on May 12, 2017

    sorry...there's no way. Period. I have a concrete porch...spilled oil on it when hubby decided to put oil in the genertator on it. There is a huge stain..and it's been there for about 5 years now. hasn't is a fresh as the first day. I have tried EVERYTHING...evn left products on it for months !! Nothing. Now? The best I could do was cover it with a porch rug. Don't know how you could cover a paver though. Perhaps.eventually you can paint them?

  • L L on May 12, 2017

    Oven cleaner or grill cleaner wwil do it.

  • Ronda Jaramillo Ronda Jaramillo on May 12, 2017

    There are alot of brands on the market that rid oil from concrete. This one at Home Depot got good reviews. Good luck.

    comment photo
  • William William on May 12, 2017

    To get rid of an unsightly oil spot, just spray it with a generous amount of WD-40, blot with some paper towels, and then hose it down with water.

  • They have a product made to put on garage floors to absorb oil. Apply and let set. Follow up with a product called Super Clean - not the look alike stuff. I believe you can find both at Walmart in the automotive section. It may not take it all out but it will be a huge improvement. To avoided future problems they do make mats to put under your grill. Around here we use stall mats. They are larger (4' X 6'), cheaper and thicker. At Tractor Supply for about $40. They do have a smaller size too. Made from recycled rubber and clean reall well. 🌻

  • Barbie grow Barbie grow on May 12, 2017

    If the cleaners don't work, I would pry the pavers out and flip them over.

  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on May 12, 2017

    Cement cleaner. You can buy it at Lowe's usually.

  • John John on May 12, 2017

    DAWN dish soap removes all oil, but a stain may remain that can be removed with Muratic acid....were a stinks

  • Ben Ben on May 09, 2018

    baking soda

  • Dave Neal Dave Neal on Aug 01, 2020

    vapourize the stain away with torch