Hardwood or plywood

by Connie
We are about to redo the floors in my house, the house was built in 1980 with cedar wood walls. There is this ugly dingy carpet down that we need to remove. I am trying to figure out if this is hardwood or plywood on the floors and if I can just get it sanded and stained.
This is under the carpet
The walls and carpet now
  7 answers
  • Wanda McMurray Wanda McMurray on Aug 02, 2015
    Looks like plywood to me. You could sand it and put a design to it and stain it but don't really know. Plywood was much better made back in the 80's than now so it might work great.
  • Tu Clarke Tu Clarke on Aug 02, 2015
    You need to pull back a larger area to expose more board. Plywood is a sheet board, hardwood are planks.
  • Sharon Maysfield Sharon Maysfield on Aug 03, 2015
    Looks like plywood, look to see if there screws visible from the top. That should give you the answer.
  • Z Z on Aug 03, 2015
    I can tell by comparing the carpet strip nails to the size of the wood that it's a plywood sub floor you are seeing. It could be cleaned up and stained, but a solid wood floor would look nicer.
  • Blair Blair on Aug 03, 2015
    Looks like plywood. You could still clean, paint or stain.
    • Kristin Topping Kristin Topping on Aug 04, 2015
      @Blair I completely second with you. Its look like plywood. In my opinion,if you consult a certified flooring company you can explore more innovative and incredible ideas as they have experienced staff which they can give you best solution that suits every budget. I have been in this trade for many years and our excellent reputation amongst local contractors and designers as well as a long list of satisfied clients can attest to our superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, clear communication honesty and integrity.Nice job.
  • Wanda McMurray Wanda McMurray on Aug 04, 2015
    Just depends on how much you want to spend and how extra good you want it to look. Hardwood is more serviceable. I love hardwood floors but much more expensive.
  • Alton Alton on Aug 05, 2015
    Look's like a line of face nails 8 to 10 in. from the end so I would say plywood .