Ideas on refreshing some yard art

Nancy T
by Nancy T
Need some ideas from crafty folks! I have some resin yard art that need repair, ie. wings glued on - what kind of glue to use? Also have some terra cotta pieces that need repainting. What kind of primer, paint & sealer last the longest? And am looking to paint some old bowling balls to look like pearls, same question about primer, paint & sealer. I am in Las Vegas so I need super heavy-duty sealer due to the scorching sun. Thanks for any help - I find so much great advice on this page!
  3 answers
  • Donna Byram Donna Byram on May 29, 2014
    I have used Multi-Purpose Cement made by the Henkel Corportion. It works good on the resin pieces. I have also heard of people using E-6000 glue. Think you can get it at your local Walmart or other hardware stores. Sorry, can't help you with the paints. All I have ever used is craft paint for outdoors and then sealed with polyurethane sealer, but most of my things are in the shade and have done well.
  • Carol Dingwell Carol Dingwell on May 30, 2014
    I love the new Krylon fusion paint. It works on plastic as well as other surfaces.
  • Leona G Leona G on May 30, 2014
    Pictures would help. E6000 works well on clay and plastic. For the bowling balls you need a primer and paint that works on polyurethane since that is what most of the balls of made of but a paint that works on plastic may work ok. Also don't know if you know someone with a kiln but if you wanted to do a low fire glaze on the terra cotta you could do that.