Asked on Feb 23, 2014

Pinterest pins with bold text

Somebody help!! This is killing me, and I can't figure out the answer. Why do some pins show bold titles and the website they come from (pin on the left), while others don't (pin on the right)???
  9 answers
  • Linda Stone Linda Stone on Feb 23, 2014
    It looks like the 'bold' titles indicate that the original idea is from a different website. I looked at several on Pinterest and in each case, the original came from another site. In the case above, it comes from "Handle the Heat."
  • Linda Stone Linda Stone on Feb 23, 2014
    After reading what I said, the one that is not bold originated somewhere! I'm not sure! lol. I'm sorry!!
  • Alyssa @ Clever Nest Alyssa @ Clever Nest on Feb 23, 2014
    Thanks Linda, guess the search continues!
  • 141737 141737 on Feb 23, 2014
    The bold text occurs when it's a "rich pin". These are pins that link directly to the original site and the site owner has enabled the rich pin feature that Pinterest offers. You will also notice that the text for rich pins begins with a favicon (little icon) from the site and the name of the site.
  • Z Z on Feb 23, 2014
    Thank you @Alyssa for asking and @Melissa for the answer. That's good to know because I get so tired of clicking to find something only to have to search myself for the items someone linked to on their blog. To me that's not fair at all to the originator of the idea. Anymore before I Pin, I check first so my pin will linked directly to it's origin. I've slowly been going through my pins to change them, but with all I have it will take me forever since I keep finding new pins!
    • See 1 previous
    • Z Z on Feb 24, 2014
      No @Kathryn, sadly there's no way for you to change this in settings.
  • Katie Nathey Katie Nathey on Mar 26, 2014
    I just came across this post which makes it pretty easy to set up. Or so it seems... I have to wait a couple days for it to validate.
  • Paul Paul on Apr 21, 2016
    So please I came here...thanks Melissa! Cheers Franko
  • Diane Oskolski McElhaney Diane Oskolski McElhaney on Sep 24, 2016
    IDk if the rich pins answer makes sense, b/c I can do back-to-back pins from my Etsy shop, and some come out bold, some don't. And they ALL originate from me! :)
  • Diane Oskolski McElhaney Diane Oskolski McElhaney on Sep 24, 2016
    P.S. Of course, I'm writing this 2-1/2 years after the last post here, lol