Pull out cutting board a mess...

Geralyn Mott
by Geralyn Mott
I have one of those pull out cutting boards in my kitchen. it was in awful shape when i bought the house, and worse now (i never use it for cutting, actually just emergency "let me sit this here for a minute" situations. I know cleaning it up will involve sanding - a lot of it. but what do i do to it afterwards ... to seal it and keep from having to 'redo' it again in the future?
  8 answers
  • Ang Ang on Mar 12, 2014
    if its a cutting board then you cant really seal it or it might get into your food . what i do is sand the board and then i pour vegetable oil on it ( soak it on paper) bothe sides and i leave it there for a few days. you will be amazed how much it will soak in and it helps
    • Geralyn Mott Geralyn Mott on Mar 13, 2014
      @Ang thanks - i don't really useit for a cutting board, just as additional counter space, usually
  • Carolynn Mawhinney Carolynn Mawhinney on Mar 12, 2014
    Any chance you can remove the board and reinsert it upside down??? If possible that might save some of the work.
    • Geralyn Mott Geralyn Mott on Mar 13, 2014
      @Carolynn Mawhinney thought of that but there's a strip of wood in the back that would prevent it ;-)
  • Janet Smith Janet Smith on Mar 12, 2014
    Use a small electric sander to smooth the board and then coat with mineral oil (which you can get at any drug store) instead of vegetable oil. Mineral oil will not get "sticky" like vegetable oil does after a while. Reapply the mineral oil several times a year.
    • Geralyn Mott Geralyn Mott on Mar 13, 2014
      @Janet Smith thanks for the info! think i know a guy with an electric sander, too!
  • Rosanne Rosanne on Mar 12, 2014
    after it's sanded, I would get food grade polyurethane or just use food grade oil.
  • Ana Hartmann Ana Hartmann on Mar 12, 2014
    Do you use it for cutting or just to place things on? If not cutting, just sand it and put polyurethane on it. Real hot pots are never good on cutting boards even with the polyurethane. You're fortunate to have a slide out cutting board. If I had a house built, I would have more than one in my kitchen, but not wood.
    • Geralyn Mott Geralyn Mott on Mar 13, 2014
      @Ana Hartmann - i know - in the house i'm planning, i've put one in of marble (for bread/pizza making) and one of aluminium, as well as a wooden that you can remove the cutting board out of for cleaning... aaaah, dreams
  • Bev Kent Bev Kent on Mar 12, 2014
    quick sand, good wash with a bit of bleach, good to go
  • Ann Ann on Mar 13, 2014
    If you only use it for setting things on you might get a peel and stick tile (the kind they use on floors) and just put it over the top. Choose one that looks like wood or marble or matches your color theme.
  • Leslie Lewis Leslie Lewis on Mar 14, 2014
    They sell new ones also at the stores like Lowes/Home Depot, etc.Cheap enough to start fresh/clean then treat as they recommend
    • Geralyn Mott Geralyn Mott on Mar 19, 2014
      @Leslie Lewis - thanks. i'll have to see how much they are ... limited budget, but also limited energy!!!