How to hide gas pipe and mete rin my kitchen?

by Hina
There is a thick copper gas pipe and meter in between my kitchen window and cabinets .Needs a solution to hide it in a way that it looks good too.Thanks
This is the side view of the pipe I was talking.I want to aesthetically cover the entire meter and pipe which is runninhg along the side wall of the window
This is the front give an idea how broad i's the wall where the pipe is running.
  6 answers
  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jun 25, 2018

    You can box it out and cover with wallboard, paneling, beadboard, thin plywood, etc. Make sure to attach one side with hinges (a piano hinge might work well here) so that you can access the meter.

  • Katie Katie on Jun 25, 2018

    Why not try something simple, like hanging a large, attractive basket over the meter, and maybe putting a few baskets on the other cabinets to divert the eye. If your allowed, you could simply paint the pipe to match the wall. Nothing labor intensive, or very expensive.

  • Bmi32050820 Bmi32050820 on Jun 25, 2018

    Take out the cabinet and put a cabinet over it if you have

    one long enough it should open to the left. Continue with other cabinets. Paint it all the same.

  • C Crow C Crow on Jun 25, 2018

    Please excuse the crude picture, but you might try something simple like a drape in a fabric you love.

    comment photo
  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jul 13, 2018

    Excuse me, but I can't comprehend why you would have a gas meter on an interior wall and exposed? Can you please explain? I'm not being facetious, I just can't comprehend!

  • Mindshift Mindshift on Jul 13, 2018

    I was also incredulous at an indoor gas meter. I did, however, find a site that shows interior gas meters do occur, but require special permission from the gas company. The fact that you have one and it appears to be quite new (shiny copper) suggests you just had it added. Covering up the line seems like a simple fix, but it's really not a good idea. Suppose you cover the line with a cabinet or trim that has a cutout in the back for the pipe to run in. No one can see the gas pipe. At some point someone decides to put in a nail or screw and you have a gas leak.

    There is a reason for typical places that pipes and electric are run. Primarily it prevents one group of sub-contractors from messing up another group's work. It may look common for someone else, but this pipe is not in any usual position I've ever seen. Katie's suggestion seems the most prudent.