What to do with wine glasses that were etched with name but bleed?

  2 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Feb 07, 2018

    Maybe you can cover it with more etching and blend it to make a new design

  • Joan Joan on Feb 15, 2018

    If you are saying that you don't want to drink out of them but wish to keep them as memorabilia (souvenirs), I vote for putting them in a glass-front shadow box with other items from the same day or time period, such as pictures in small frames or as a backdrop, a napkin from the restaurant, a menu from the restaurant (usually can be found on the web to print), etc. Filling them with something colorful to display them is also a good idea. Fill with wine-colored glass beads or sand and top with a thin layer of something to seal the sand in and prevent spillage. I like to display all of my special items this way because I hate to dust and dust is a constant where I live. If you have skills, you can create a custom box and attach a nice frame to the front with hinges and a clasp.