Best way to paint an old glider?

I have an old glider that has been painted once and is in desperately need again. It is on my front porch and has already started to rust. It is very heavy and cannot be moved easily. Best way to paint the glider in the spot where it sits and best type of paint to use. Thanks!

  2 answers
  • Janice Janice on Jul 04, 2018

    Hi Melody, make it easy on yourself and sand it lightly while in place, then buy a good paint that says it's for metal and use a small sponge roller and a sponge-type brush to paint. Just be sure to place newspaper or plastic bags beneath the glider to catch any drips or spatters. You might want to apply a clear sealer afterwards to help protect the paint even more. Enjoy that new look...are you going to try a new color?

  • Melody Redmond Lynch Melody Redmond Lynch on Jul 05, 2018

    Thanks so much Janice!! No not really going for a new color but maybe I should. I actually like the white porch furniture and my posts and railings are white. Floor is gray.