Bathroom paint color , how does it effect a womens skin tone?
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im not understanding the question?
Think about the colors you wear best, and why.
I personally Never wear yellow. I can wear a deep gold as long as it has some blue in it.
Consider too that bathroom lighting tends to be a bit harsh as well.
If you have a window... use several mirrors to reflect the natural light around the room... paint the room in a color like light turquoise or a gray with a blue or lavender tint to it... a very light blush can work too.... choose light bulbs that do not give off a green or yellow color... DO some research.... go to a Specialty Bath and Kitchen store... and LOOK at the light fixtures... see which ones give the best arrangement of light for make up, etc.... and those that give off the most flattering pattern of light... no harsh shadows, etc.. THEN you can shop online for that look.... cheaper.
I like blues & greens. Never yellow!
Fantastic question! Something most people never consider. Lighting is a factor too. Here is what others have to say:
My bathroom does not have enough natural light so I apply my makeup in my bedroom or kitchen. In addition to painting the walls, invest in a good make up mirror - can make the difference between looking perfect and natural v. looking like a circus clown helped you.
I would shy away from yellows and olive greens.