Chalk paint made with Chalk Line powder

by LG
Curious if anyone has used Chalk Line powder when making a DIY version "Chalk Paint"?
It has calcium carbonate/lime in it.
Is there a reason not to use this?
I am in the middle of painting all the doors/trim and walls and laying vinyl peel n stick flooring. The mixing of Plaster of Paris and paint hardening has been the biggest issue with consistency. So may go ahead and dry the powdered chalk.
  11 answers
  • Mary Hall Mary Hall on Jun 26, 2015
    I've always used grout, and have been quite happy with the results.
  • Trish Trish on Jun 26, 2015
    I'd be interested to know how it works. I use plaster of Paris and have had issues with thickening so I was looking to see if there was a better option that would provide more uniform results. I have a ton of kitchen cabinets ready to paint and I'm stalling because I have to make my chalk paint :/
  • Sue Sue on Jun 26, 2015
    Don't see why it wouldn't work. Might be ground finer than other options used in homemade chalk paint. There are a few color options that might lead to interesting results. The cost of the product may be an issue for some. Five pounds of line chalk cost $15-$20. You can get a 25lb bag of plaster of Paris for about $15. I suppose that all depends on how much chalk paint you plan on mixing up. Please post results if you try it.
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Jun 26, 2015
    I have seen someone use sandless grout
  • D & K D & K on Jun 26, 2015
    The problem with using chalk line powder added to latex paint to create chalk paint is that it holds moisture. Besides the calcite it also contains corn starch and other ingredients that hold moisture. And what does paint do when it holds moisture....mold and mildew.
  • LG LG on Jun 26, 2015
    Thank you! I did get the doors all painted...I ended up using POP and a small amout of the chalk line powder mixed in. I would not choose to do such a large project with this mixture because you have to continually mix. A smaller job I would use this again.
  • Marie Caruana Marie Caruana on Jun 26, 2015
    I used plaster of Paris too. Worked great.
  • Dan1697352 Dan1697352 on Jun 26, 2015
    Marie, I tried the plaster of paris and didn't have much luck. How did you mix yours?
  • Neita Young Neita Young on Jun 27, 2015
    I have used plaster of Paris mix quite a bit and had very good results. By experience I've learned that using cool water for mixing the p.o.p has better results and storing the left over paint in the refrigerator keeps it from setting up.
  • Sherrie Sherrie on Jun 27, 2015
    I make a slump pain with lime, and yes they use Calicum carbonate and ad to paint. But the original chalk paint is lime, water and pigments.