How can I fix my streaky milk painted cabinets?
My bar cabinets are now streaky! I painted them with a very dark milk paint and a topcoat. They looked streaky with just the paint and now with the topcoat. ugh What can I do to fix this mess? I worked really hard on them and I'm so disappointed with the results.
Do I have to sand everything off and start over??? I hate to have to do that because it took me so long to finish and sanding the cabinet boxes in the house is soooo messy!
can anyone help me? Thanks!
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What finish coat did you use? Water based? If so, just sand down the sheen and repaint. Try spraying on the finish.
Thanks, Kelli.
The topcoat is water-based. I bought some 220 sanding sponges. I'll try sanding with those. Looking on the company's website, I see they suggest adding extender. I think I'll try adding extender to the paint and also the topcoat.
Thanks for your advice.
Have you tried re painting them the other way so streaks go different way
Mona,. Your cabinets should have been removed, and painted on a flat surface, that's why you have streaking. I suggest you start again. Sand the cabinets, roll them with a roller, and any cut ins do first. Spray the hardware for a nice finished look any color that will contrast to the color of the cabinets. You can rent a sander from Home Depot for a small fee and deposit. Paint 2 coats, let each dry completely before you rehang them. Aloha!
I am with you! And I hate to be a debbie downer, but I did ALL the things! And I bought super expensive milk paint, was super meticulous, cleaned, primed, sanded, painted, sanded, painted, waited 24 hrs before each coat. They look streaky and awful. The paint dripped onto the edges no matter what I did. I literally would have been happier with spray paint from a can. Which btw I did to a TV stand and it looks awesome. Maybe using the sprayer with the milk paint makes a difference, otherwise, totally not worth the money or the effort to me. Completely disheartening.