How can I refinish or paint the inside of a ice chest/cooler?

by Danielle
I'm turning an old fridge into an outdoor ice chest/cooler and I am wondering if there is a way to refinish the inside to a different color than white?

Thank you!

  2 answers
  • Gk Gk on May 04, 2018

    For the most part the inside of a fridge is made of plastic so I think you could use spray paint made for plastic. However, I don't believe with the cool temps and the moisture and with things being taken in and out that the paint would last. I would choose to leave it white. Also--most importantly--you need to be aware that old fridges can be death traps for children who think the can play in them--like hide and go seek. Once inside they may not be able to get the door open and could suffocate. If your old fridge is outside in an open area is there a way you can keep it locked while you are not around to supervise?

  • Susan Susan on May 05, 2018

    Since it is an old refrigerator, you would need a metal paint or a porcelain paint but waterproof. You may have to drill a hole and put a drain plug with a hose attachment to drain the cooler. Good luck and that sounds like a cool project.