How to remove paint from a gallon can that has a rusty rim?
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have a can ready.. my local lumber yard will sell you an empty paint can- puncture a hole at the bottom of the fuller can with a nail and let go into the empty one.
Hi Marilyn, You can remove the rust before you open the can. Try spritzing on some good old-fashioned white vinegar. Let it set for 10 minutes then wipe it all off with paper towels. Open the can as usual and paint away. Best of luck to you.
Just put a piece of cheese cloth over a paint bucket and pour it in. Then dispose of the cheesecloth.
I would use duct tape to tape just the one area of the can. Have a couple or more large glass jars available with lids that fit well. Empty the paint from the can into the glass jars pouring over the duct taped area of the can. Allow the very remnants of paint in the can to dry and then dispose of the rusty can and lid. Use the paint you need for your small area and mark all the jars of remaining paint with the name of the paint color or number. You might also be able to use aluminum foil in one area of the can rather than the duct tape.
Use a siphon.