Removing spar urethane
I now have white streaks throughout the table. Am I going to have to use a chemical stripper to remove this finish completely off the table? It seems to be my last ditch effort
Z on Sep 15, 2014Attn: Kevin, (@KMS Woodworks), could you please help my friend Monica with this problem.Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 15, 2014Thank you so much @ZHelpful Reply
Woodbridge Environmental on Sep 15, 2014If the varnish was recently applied it will be to soft for many weeks until it drys all the way through. This prevents sanding to be successful. As it will only gum up the paper. Check on the can of the material you purchased as they will have a list of chemicals that will clean this off. If that does not work you need to wait for several weeks to it dries hard enough to sand or use paint stripper and start all over again.Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 16, 2014I think I should add that this table was purchased at a store 3 or more years ago (I think it was probably 5). The finish was guaranteed for 2 years. So, much of the finish was gone in spots and also very dull. So, I originally sanded it completely down. It was a difficult task because when I started sanding it was gumming up. I used a deglosser per my local hardware store. That didn't was just a lot of sanding and using a putty knife to remove the stubborn spots. Then I stained it and added the spar urethane. I called the manufacturer of this product right away because of the difficulty I was having getting a nice even coat. I did all the steps per the manufacturers advice over the phone and it still looks terrible even though you can't see it that well in this picture (it was the best one I had).So, when I did the last sanding I used 80 grit sandpaper and the finish wouldn't budge...I went down to 50 (used 5 pads) and then I was able to get the "high spots" out but it didn't gum up at all...the finish is solid.I am just so frustrated at this point and when I called customer support again last night I didn't get what "I feel" is the right answer....using a deglosser again.There has to be some way to remove this and start over....I am at the point of breaking...this truly has been such a nightmare.Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 16, 2014Thank you, Woodbridge! I used all Minwax previously along with a Purdy brush. Do you have any favorite products that are very durable? This piece is also oak and I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a sealer. Thanks again!Helpful Reply
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Monica33flowers on Sep 16, 2014I need a clarification about a responseHelpful Reply
Z on Sep 16, 2014The only thing I might add is the top of the table could very well be veneer so you have to be very careful not to sand through that.Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 16, 2014Hi Becky! It is solid veneer at all and it is heavy. Uff da.....Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 16, 2014Thanks for the answers, but I'm still hoping for more ideas.Helpful Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 17, 2014What type of sealer do I use prior to doing the stain @Woodbridge Environmental Tiptophouse.comHelpful Reply
Woodbridge Environmental on Sep 17, 2014Its a sealer that will prevent the stain from soaking in unevenly. As there are softer and harder spots on the top some will soak the color of the stain at a faster rate then other spots which will give the appearance of a blotchy finish. Here is a link that tells you about the different types available from Minwax They also show a stain remover that they carry. Reply
Monica33flowers on Sep 17, 2014@Woodbridge Environmental Thank you so much! I found the sealer that I will need. I really appreciate all your help! Thanks again!Helpful Reply
Christy Minnich on Sep 25, 2015@Monica33flowers how did you get the spar urethan off? Ground hog day here a year later I am in the same situation as you practically to the T same time year, temperature, comments from minwax... Not sure why Big Box stores even sell the spar if it is suppose to be for boats etc...and not really indoor at all from what I have since found out. I have had horrible trouble with my table refinish and now I have 2 light full strength coats of spar on and I need to get them off.Helpful Reply
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