Has anyone used Dutch Boy chalk style paint?
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I don't know if there are options. I discovered the wax I bought at Menard's is dark. The piece I painted is nearly white. Should there be more of a clear wax on a white piece? I haven't put the wax on yet.
Some people put dark wax on top of a clear wax to give more of an aged appearance. If you do use dark you need to apply a clear first, otherwise it will be difficult to wipe back, and can give a dirty appearance. I am not sure what wax Menards carries, other than Minwax, which I have the clear of.
Absolutely love this paint one coat and finish looks awesome!
When you get the Dutch Boy tinted you can ask for Annie Sloan colors by name. They have them in their database of colors. So far I like Dutch boy. You do use more DB paint and more Valspar wax than AS. I want to add a little water to DB to get it to go on smoother. I have both AS and DB and I cannot tell a difference. Maybe time will tell. I have tried Valspar clear wax and I liked it. It has a very silky feel and pours. The AS is more like margarine. I liked the AS dark wax over the Valspar clear wax. So I am wondering if all clear wax is equal if you plan on putting a dark wax over it? My Menards does not have the clear min wax in stock. They only had natural. I will ask for it as now is rebate time. :) I hope this helps.
I just tried using polycrylic to protect the night stand I had painted with DB. The paint was dry and once I started using the polycrylic the paint started peeling ofF with each brush stroke. Can anyone tell me what the heck I did wrong?
I didn't do any prep work as the can said I didn't need to. I had touched up a few spots of paint earlier in the day but not any where I had put the poly on.
No prep can be misleading, esp. if the surface is really slick or glossy. Also any residues can be problematic. Do you know what your surface is?