What WHITE paint color goes well with white appliances?
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Love that look! Your kitchen is going to look so clean China White by Benjamin Moore is a favorite. It comes out great for a kitchen.
Palest aqua or teal for the lower cabinets & white for the upper ones, maybe w a glass front or two, would ease the transition between other rooms, floor & counter tops & the white appliances...hard in a small house. (Also a "beachy color" & you will be looking at the upper cabinets more when you're in there!)
Sherwin Williams Extra White in their ProClassic series is especially for cabinets & the purest white ever. Perfect match w my Amana stove & Maytag refrigerator!
Valspar Ultra white cabinet enamel made especially for kitchen cabinets is what we used. We couldn't be happier with the results. Beautiful and so easily cleaned with soap and water.
Thanks! I will check it out! I appreciate your response!