Mixing Elmer's glue with paint

by Betty
How do you mix Elmer's glue w/ craft paint to make it look like sea glass?
  3 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 17, 2015
    Look it up on this website unoriginal mom or pinterest
  • Z Z on Sep 17, 2015
    Gertie, are you speaking of chunks of sea glass, like the real ones found on the beach, or the sea glass look many are painting on glass jars and candle sticks? If it's the later then you might like this video, though they use food coloring instead of craft paint.
  • Juliadance Juliadance on Sep 18, 2015
    Try using food dye, blue and yellow to get a glassy green. I guess the glue is PVA which dries clear. Do a little sample, craft paint may work but could be too opaque. Good luck.