What is the best way to paint behind a toilet and pedestal sink?
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You can buy a smaller diameter roller that works great. They are about an inch in diameter. Requires getting into awkward positions but it works!
Anna, don't you just hate those places you can't get to to paint?
I have found that when I start a paint job, the first thing I do is gather up some old file folders. I cut them down the fold so I can use the very straight edges.
I slip these edges under molding next to the floor and move it along as I go. (Don't put too much paint on your brush!).
For painting behind the pedestal, you could take an uncut folder and hold it in your left hand against the back of the pedestal while dabbing paint to the wall behind the pedestal (again, careful not to over saturate your brush).
File folders also make great straight edges for painting one color next to another, for example, painting that window molding white against a blue wall. Each end will serve you well for a few feet, turn it over and use the other end, discard and grab another half of a folder!
The roller idea is a good one. If the handle isn’t long enough attach it with masking tape to something thin like a ruler. Project the back of your toilet by covering it with a large plastic bag. This way, if the space is narrow between wall and toilet, excess paint goes on the plastic not the toilet. Cover your sink, too.
Solutions on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+paint+behind+a+toilet+tank+without+removing+it
You could always turn the water off, flush the toilet to drain the tank and remove the tank from the bowl. At least most toilets are 2 pieces. Makes it pretty easy then.