What to do about too-wide fridge door shelves? Food is falling out!

by Joyce
The shelves on our fridge door are not adjustable so things like ketchup, salad dressing and other narrow bottles fall out of the bottom. These are items that take up a lot of room inside the fridge.Any ideas?
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 21, 2016
    Are any shelves adjustable?
  • Debi53 Debi53 on Apr 21, 2016
    Measure the inside dimensions of your shelf. Get a small tape measure or even a measuring tape for sewing and put it in your purse along with the measurements-so it is always with you. Check any stores in your area--Walmart, Kitchen or bath stores, Office Depot, any place that carries storage containers. Find a plastic or acrylic basket or bin to slip inside your fridge shelf. Now your smaller items will not slip out the bottom. Bonus: it will easily lift out to clean!
  • Sandra Hellewell Sandra Hellewell on Apr 21, 2016
    I was wondering if you took contact paper and attached it to the bottom of the door shelf and then brought it up the side of the shelf and affixed it to the top so the space at the bottom is blocked thus preventing the small bottles from falling through? Even cutting down to size cereal boxes that would fit in your fridge shelves would keep your small bottles corralled. If you can afford it then I would go with the store bought containers as suggested by @No search results.debi53.
  • William William on Apr 21, 2016
    debi53 has the right idea, but I'd go to the nearest dollar store for the bins.