How to replace 12x12 ceiling tiles without taking the whole ceiling?

by Butch
  3 answers
  • William William on Feb 28, 2019

    Is this a drop ceiling or not. I will assume it is not and the tiles are just glued on. Each tile has a tongue and groove. Use a razor utility knife and cut around the damaged tile. Pry it out and clean off the adhesive on the ceiling. Then cut the tongues off the replacement tile and glue it in place with constriction adhesive. Sometimes there are firing strips the tile may be nailed or stapled to.

  • Butch Butch on Feb 28, 2019

    Great, any suggestions for a “ good” construction adhesive....... not much luck with some name brands

  • Em Em on Mar 01, 2019

    Loctite. Adheres immediately yet give you tons of time to move what you are gluing around.