Skim coat stucco interior walls

by Marion
40 years ago we put stucco on our interior entry hall. Has anyone had any experience with skim coating walls with stucco? I would appreciate all comments in regard to this. It would save me time and a mess rather than replacing the Sheetrock. Thank you.
Stucco on wall
  2 answers
  • D & K D & K on Mar 21, 2015
    Yes, it can be skimmed with joint compound. Apply your joint compound to the walls with as wide a knife as you can easily handle, allow it to dry and sand it smooth. I've personally done this on two occasions recently repairing what was a horrific re-texture created by two very under qualified contractors touting themselves as professionals. One of the homes I left smooth to mimic plaster and the second I retextured in a knock down pattern.
  • Lagree Wyndham Lagree Wyndham on Mar 24, 2015
    Yes, you can also spray sheet rock mud compound, like used for sprayed ceilings and the trowel it down for textured look, it hides a world of sin. The process is called "skip Trowel".