What is the best way to remove old wallpaper and repair wall ?

by Lisa
  5 answers
  • D roach D roach on Jan 29, 2018

    remove wallpaper with steam and a scraper. wash area with sugar soap to get rid of any remnants of paste/glue.

  • Bijous Bijous on Jan 29, 2018

    Wallpaper typically comes in two pieces -- the face sheet and the backer that has the paste. Continue to gently peel the face sheet off. When you get down to the backer, use ratio of 1 to 1 of hot water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Let it soak in then use a putty knife to scrape off. Clean wall well with additional hot water and vinegar. Once dry, patch any nicks with spackling. Seriously, it looks like you're going to have a fairly easy job with this wallpaper. Good luck!

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 29, 2018


  • Mary Beerman Mary Beerman on Jan 29, 2018

    I do what the person above does but instead of using a metal putty knife, I use a plastic scraper that doesn't leave any dents or nicks in the wall. Also, for the spray, you can add some liquid fabric softener or a little Dawn dish liquid instead of vinegar. Let it soak in and it's very easy to scrape off.

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jun 01, 2020

    Hi Lisa, you can buy a really inexpensive tool at the home improvement stores called a wallpaper shark. Its a handheld disk that has rolling cutters in it. Scrape the wall paper with the shark and spray on cheap window cleaner. The stuff you buy for cars. Wait a few minutes. It should easily peel off once it is soaked into the paper.