How to I save soles of comfort shoe from disintegrating?
I have these rather expensive Wolky sandals. To my horror I discovered that one of the shoe's sole is getting soft and looks like it's starting to crumble. How can I save it. Too late to take them back.
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I would contact the manufacturer as wear is one thing and desinigration a defect. Reputable companies stand behind their brands. With a polite manner on your end it will likely be resolved. Especially since it is just one of the shoes.
A professional shoemaker may be able to re-sole your shoes. It's frustrating to have this happen to a comfortable shoe. I hope you find a solution.
I have had this happen too, its the compound they are using to make the rubbery soles. Ive had it happen to expensive Blundstone and MBT. I ubderstand some Danskos are crumbling too! Writing to the manufacturer didnt help in my case. I thew my boots out, I hope someone has a solution for you!
Wonder if shoe repair people have dealt with this? Maybe take the shoe to a repair shop, see what they can offer.
Happened to me also. Both soles completely crumbling away.