What to do with rusty swing chain?

by Barbara

I have a porch swing that has a rusty chain. I was trying to think of ways to salvage the chain. I thought maybe spray painting or covering it with fabric or perhaps wrapping it with some type of outdoor product. Of course, I could buy new chain but I like the idea of conservation. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

  3 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Aug 21, 2018

    Wipe the chain down with a vinegar soaked cloth to remove the excess rust and then spray paint it with a Rustoleum product.

  • Catherine Tonetti Catherine Tonetti on Aug 21, 2018

    I would suggest cleaning the chain with WD-40 and a scrub brush, then washing off the oil; let it dry and paint it with Rustoleum or some similar type of rust stabilizing product.

  • G G on Aug 21, 2018

    If you can take the chain down you can soak it in vinegar that will remove slot of rust & dirt. Rinse well, dry then you can paint or if you like the way it looks just spray with a clear spray.