Asked on May 29, 2012

Shutters: What color?

Melissa K
by Melissa K
I am posting a picture of my home's exterior. I thought I could kind of match the shutter color to the grayest brick. Imagine my horror when the color just blended and looks like no shutters at all. What do you think guys? I'm about ready to paint them black and see what happens. Red metal roof not helping either. Gimme a COLOR!
To see t he shutters or not to see, that is the question. Would it be better in black?
Another view
  87 answers
  • Amy Amy on May 29, 2012
    you could either go black, which would be nice, or even red to match the roof. the shutters are awfully small- maybe if you have the ability to do it you could get bigger ones or trim them out a little to make them look larger... just a thought. cute house!
  • Linda R Linda R on May 29, 2012
    I would do them red or black and paint the door red to match the roof....(my favorite color) Love your ramp. I have a ramp in my garage and one off of my back porch. Right now there are too many colors on your exterior fighting with one another IMO. Brick color, Red roof, grey shutters, black door, redwood ramp and grey flagstone ramp......Rails in Lowcountry SC are often painted what we call "Charleston Black". I see you are from South Carolina.
  • Carolyn D Carolyn D on May 29, 2012
    Here goes..very honest answer...too many colors that lessens the over all look, is if you were not thinking 'color' is a big deal with nature. Look at the redwood painted fence, the white trim around the windows, the red roof, the grey shutters, the bricks and terra cotta stepping stones, the grey looking walking path...very sorry, but all that combination looks, well, ugh! In my opinion, since you already have the grey walking path, re-paint the shutters a terra cotta, like the pottery look of the bricks and square stepping stones. Re-paint the fence or whatever that is, that is redwood. GO TERRA COTTA and be bold about it! To be even more honest, work on those shrubs, the garden area...but again, keep it simple, maybe remove all of it and use pottery, especially the pathway, use those inexpensive solar lights! You have way too many high and lofty dreams of an old English garden, not gonna work. 1. Paint Terra Cotta, 2. Remove pathway plants and replace with solar lights. 3. Re-work garden area, perhaps re-plant those boxwoods (?), shrubs into the garden, making it very green and low maintenance. 4. Put sand or small pebbles around square in ground pavers/bricks. The grass around them now looks weedy and untidy. Why not simplify with pebbles? Hope this helps and that you are not offended. Remember, less is more. One more thing, remove the white trellis in front of the windows and drainage thingy. It would look more impressive over the bricks, between windows. Keep small tree limbs trimmed, it's planted too close to your house which you will regret someday. Is it too late to remove it and plant it where it can grow and be happy, not restricted? All the best in your re-arranging, love your energy to have a great looking home!
  • Pat S Pat S on May 29, 2012
    I would try to match the red of the roof and/or railing and paint the shutters, door, and window trim all the same red. Get a sample and try one window like the one in the picture, take a picture and look at it awhile to see if overall it gives you the look you want. Good Luck.
  • Susan T Susan T on May 29, 2012
    I'm with Pat, except I'd paint the front door black in satin, the front door is supposed to stand out, (So says Lynnette Ginnings, lol) I love the stone pathway. Need a bit of fertilizer on the grass. The shutters do seem a bit small but maybe if they were the roof color they would look fine. I love that metal roof! add some reddish color flowers too. :) Cute home..Send more shots when you decide! Just go for it. It took me months to get the nerve to paint my front door yellow on my pale blue house with white trim but I love it now. I painted the trim around it yellow also and it makes the door area look bigger. Have fun with it!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Actually, the door is red, it was open when I took the snap. Yes, from South Carolina, in the Midlands 20 miles above Columbia, but I visit the lowcountry often. Black rails and black shutters sound real nice and different. To be honest, all the things you guys mention were done at very different times. First the roof, then the brick work. Door was already red. Lattice for climbing rose just placed there last week because arbor blew down in wind. I get the feel of where you are all going though. Now you make me stand back and take a very critical look at my site. Great, great, gerat. But Pat and Susan, wouldn't that be too much red? Door, roof, and shutters? Wish I could pace this picture into a site that would change the colors for me to get a look-see.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    There are solar lights down the walkway between the dwarf gardenias already.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Dearest Carolyn, how can I be offended when it was I who asked for help? Certainly you have made me stop adding and adding without a thought to the overall appearance. However, some of the things you mentioned are things I was trying to accomplish. I tried very hard for two years to get that grass to grow between those pavers (laugh on me), and the shrubs at the right (boxwoods) are delineating the pathway through this area with pavers to get to the side of the house. Specifically, which shrubs are you suggesting be moved and to where? Thanks
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Aah, now I see...the staining (not completed) on the railing clashes with the roof ( and the front door that you cannot see). You GO girls! make me see!
  • I would like them black! There is already a lot of red.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Yes I see it. These were original shutters that were placed around replacement windows. THEY DO NOT FIT! Maybe I've been laid up too long.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Yeah, I get the feeling that magnolia is gonna come back and bite me soon.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 29, 2012
    Love that idea about the paint Susan.
  • Vala F Vala F on May 29, 2012
    i have the same brick and same roof red metal i have mine red i also want to redo mine i am stumped also thought of hunter green but don't want a Christmas feel lol keep us posted when painted please
  • I'd agree that you have too much red going on....I think the color Linda mentioned is what we call Charleston is more black with just a tad of green to's an old Duron color still available at Sherwin Williams. I can't tell from the pic if the ramp (is it a ramp) or steps railing is stained or painted. If can get them to tint you a solid stain in the same Charleston Green color. It might not match exactly but close enough to do the trick. The railing could also be painted with Duration gloss in the Charleston Green as it's partially self priming but it will take two coats to cover. All of this comes down to personal preference. You can also take a fan wheel...(color wheel with paint colors on it) which you can get from Sherwin Williams and try to use it to pull a color from the brick. Looks like you have a nicely colored could pull the lightest color in the brick and use that to repaint the windows. Are those newer vinyl windows or what are they? You could then pull the darkest of the colors for the shutters and railing. This would tie everything together without introducing another color. Too much red is never a good thing...but again, it's all about personal preference! Enjoy
  • Debi M Debi M on May 29, 2012
    I think black would be your better color choice. You certainly do not want to add any more red.
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on May 29, 2012
    Brick red, like your metal roof.
  • Dianne Dianne on May 29, 2012
    defiantly red to match roof...
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on May 29, 2012
    Check out Sher-Wms. 'Black Fox'. It's not a stark black but has some brown in it. CP
  • Mikey F Mikey F on May 29, 2012
    Navy Blue, White, a much lighter grey, bright mountain dew green, super duper high gloss black, any of those would look fabulous! Plus I love the roof and brick! Such charm!
  • Peace Painting Co., Inc. Peace Painting Co., Inc. on May 29, 2012
    I could see it in a smoky/slate blue too.
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on May 29, 2012
    I vote blue as well :)
  • Mikey F Mikey F on May 29, 2012
    A bright cerulean blue would be nice!!!
  • What the heck, just go RED. I think it would be stunning! Match the roof color. I dare you. (heehee)
  • Amy Amy on May 30, 2012
    you can also just print out your picture and color over the shutters and rail with colored pencil or crayon to give you a general idea of how the colors would look. i've done that before when choosing interior paint... :)
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 30, 2012
    Have you thought about changing the shutters. Instead of the solid shutters, you can actually build a shutter out of strips of wood with some spacing...sort of an open design and then paint it the color of the fence railing shown. Or with so much activity around your house, you might just want to not have shutters. Just because it has always had shutters does not mean you need them now. With the style of the house, decorative metal types might be pretty painted the color of the railings.
  • Nichole S Nichole S on May 30, 2012
  • Becky H Becky H on May 30, 2012
    I think Mikey F. has given you good suggestions for new shutter colors. What I've been wondering is if you wish to give your windows bigger presence. If you do, you could add window boxes, or perhaps add length to the existing shutters so that they end at the bottom of the window boxes.....just a thought.
  • Debi M Debi M on May 30, 2012
    We have an American Farm House, 2 story, which we put white vinyl on when we began remodeling. The roof was in excellent shape and it was a meal roof, which was silfer. Our contractor suggested we not worry about replacing the roof because it was in great condition. I wasn't happy about the silver so he suggested that we seal it,using black roof seal. I put burgandy shutters on for a splash of color & our new front door was painted burgandy as well. The point is your shutters and your roof do not have to match. Drive around your neighborhood and look at homes you like. This is what we did. You get great ideas BEFORE you do a project.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
  • Carolyn D Carolyn D on May 30, 2012
    hello Melissa, I've been reading many of the posts. It's great to get so many opinions and so much advice from people who you do not know, really, but all of us love a lovely looking home. To answer your question, yes, I was referring to the box woods. Dig them up and transplant them to the area in the picture, which I realize now will provide a very nice look along with privacy since this is your front yard. I love the blog about planting perennials around your fountain. I also appreciate you and your hubby doing the recycling from the business location, laying down the new path. Most of us do not have the budget to afford hiring gardeners and buying pricey materials. Besides, knowing that you DIY has so much more meaning! When you and hubby are too old to do this type of work, sitting in your rockers looking out over your yard, you can recall, 'Remember when we did the back breaking, time consuming work of hauling the path stones?' YOU GO MELISSA!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    Honestly Carolyn, some of the opinions stung, but I am a realist. This morning before physical therapy, I actually moved some of the items off my front porch, and plan to remove the bricks of the rose garden (front, center, in front of the ramp railing) as soon as hubby comes home. (Will the garden soil stay in place over time?) I remembered my daughter telling me last week," the front of the house is a little busy". I realized that since I only have mobility to a short distance of my yard on any given day, I had piled everything as close as possible. This is probably common. I have such a large yard and it may be that this became daunting to me after I had no more help from my lost grown son, and daughter away at college. Husband works during day, so there I have psychoanalyzed why this area has become clogged. As for the trellis, I have decided that this very large rose may be able to be transplanted somewhere else. It's arbor over the second concrete walkway disintegrated and was removed last week. The other walkway is behind the ramp in this picture and features a circular staircase that cannot be seen due to the ramp. I will post this later. Thank you for the "hard" look you took and I will enjoy this new project of re-tooling for a more glamorous look for special appeal. I realize that the ramp has caused special problems as far as the appearance. Whether to make it stand out or disappear into the background is appealing.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    Think I'll post more of the yard and fron area so you guys can see realistically what I am dealing with. There are two walkeways leading to the porch with a grassy area between them that has an angel trumpet in the center. With the ramp on the right this area is nice. When you view the house front from the yard, it looks mish-mash. The ramp and the plantings in front of it has ruined the appeal of this home ai think.
  • Susan T Susan T on May 30, 2012
    Oh, no, I don't think the ramp or railing ruin the look at all. They do need to be painted but it looks like a secret little garden area. Just add more flowering bushes or flowers, the best gardens have lots of plants and bushes.I think the brick border is a cute idea I just think the top row with the holes showing does not look good. I'd just take off the top row. (just my opinion) I happen to like the cottage look with a lot of stepping stones and stuff growing over like vines, climbing roses and clumps of flowers, bird feeders, statues and stuff like that.I guess that's what like about your home. If you plant bulbs in front of the fence in the sprig it will have a new look too, I've been trying to do that a little at a time. I can't do as much as I'd like too either anymore. I love that little tree but maybe you should find out if it will be a problem that close. I just had to have my tree cut down because it died, the previous owner planted it and didn't think about it growing. I was really bummed to have to lose it and the shade but in the long run it would have been breaking up the driveway if it had kept growing. Now I have a stump and I'm going to post some pictures to ask for ideas on what to do with it now. You can tell me what you think! ;)
  • Phyllis M Phyllis M on May 30, 2012
    My neighbor has a red metal roof with matching shutters and it is beautiful!!
  • Kelly Kelly on May 30, 2012
    I think I'd go with white - bring in the trim colour
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 30, 2012
    Honestly in looking through all the pictures the shutters look like they are undersized for the windows...and white would make them appear larger if only because the window frame is also white... I would also paint the ramp white and bring the look of the "white picket fence" being used as a backdrop to the garden to something that curently looks as though you would like it to disappear... the grey in the wayway can be stained with concrete stain and the stones would stand out a little more as a design element...
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    Honestly Sharron, I gave a lot of thought to white, quite a lot. I think I do want the look of a cottage from this standpoint. Then could I still do the shutters black, or white shutters also? Phyllis, what color is the neighbor's house in comparison? I have felt that maybe I chose the wrong color bricks because these shutters do not suit them at all. I like the idea of the blue. A nicesolid darker sensuous blue with all other details white. Sounds like what I want. How would this go over with the red door and roof?
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    Sharron, what color to stain these pavers? A nice dark cedar (I have 2 gallons waiting on my back porch).
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    Guess what, Susan? All that "stuff" you see in front of the railing were actually all in full bloom two weeks ago. It is supposed to be a rose garden and believe me, it was!. My problem is that when all the blooming stops. During the fall and winter, my yard is bare and the railing really stands out. Last year, I had a bright idea and started investing in shrubs and trees that would keep their foliage yearround, plus bloom. However, left the rose garden in place. How do you feel about relocating the rose garden and planting foliage instead in front of the beast? Then with a white railing, this may be beautiful from the road. Whatch think guys. This is so important to me. I like the idea of having the entire window frame (to include the shutters) white.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    By the way Susan, I'm considering mortaring the bricks into a solid wall. So you think the wall needs to be lowered a bit for the best effect? Hmmm...thinking. I love the "eyes" of different folks. Really helps me. If I tried to talk through these things with most people, they would become extremely bored in no time. I LOVE HOMETALK!!!!!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    I'm going to print this picture on regular paper right now and do as you suggest.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    These are additional pics of whats behind the railing
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    I really don't know my way around this website yet, but I did post additional pics, but they are somewhere else in Landscape and Gardening, eve showing the red front door. Don't know what doing wrong yet, but if you guys look for me womewhere, the pictures are somewhere on the site.
  • Bernice H Bernice H on May 30, 2012
    I love the ramp, it looks like a bridge over a little creek!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 30, 2012
    You're right. What a neo-classical mind you have!
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 31, 2012
    Melissa if you paint the shutters and Ramp Rails white You are going to tie a lot of elements in your house together...Your home eaves are white, the Storm Door Trim, The Window trim and the Roof trim are all white and by painting the shutters white you'll make them appear larger which is good cause they are a little bit narrow, if you paint the ramp Rails and pickets white it will give a nicer more cottage appearance to your garden...which I think will be just the ticket...If you decide to stain the morter in your rock path you'll have to use a concrete stain...i don't know if that is what you mentioned you had or not....and when you say you mean the color of the top rail on the ramp? I looked through the pictures again, including the new ones and it appears that from your front door, the ramp and then the rock path are visually connected looking straight ahead and then to the right the ramp and a concrete walkway are visually connected. So by painting the ramp rails and pickets white you can get the appearance of a picket fence...but the floor of the ramp, and the morter of the stone walkway and maybe even your concrete walkway all need to be stained in a color that most closely resembles the normal color of the earth surrounding the area to make them "less visible" than your plants and the other house ornamentation. Rather than Move the Heiritage Roses that you love...I would simply add in 3-4 of the new knockout roses in front...they are continous bloomers..They have a spreading habit so in a couple of years they'll make a huge impact in color and they have varieties that don't get really tall so they won't prevent you from enjoying your older varieties while they are actually in bloom! Whew! I think I covered everything you asked and my new thoughts since you put up the new pictures...LOL Oh and be sure and feed all your roses by planting banana peels in the ground around them...i used to keep my roses blooming by feeding them those and within two weeks the bush would bloom again, even the ones that are only supposed to bloom once a year...
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on May 31, 2012
    You have certainly received a lot of options! I picked up that you are struggling to get your grass to grow...I am having the same problem in an area of my yard. The weed control people were out here last week and he said I needed to add lime to my yard to treat the soil. Also, moss tends to grow in the sod in that area and he said lime eliminates moss! I am going to get a bag of lime and try it! You might want to do that too because your soil may have too much acid! Lime won't hurt your soil.
  • Linda G Linda G on May 31, 2012
    cranberry or burgandy
  • Linn L Linn L on May 31, 2012
    My goodness you have gotten a lot of feedback Melissa! :D I just wanted to let you know that I thought your home adorable at first sight :> That brick is a really beautiful one - creating a very cozy, welcoming look. Love the red metal roof too! It add's that nice surpirse of architectural detail. I also think your front lawn (it's huge!) and pathway are beautiful and that ramp is *so* well done! Now, I am a lover of the cottage look and would encourage you to embrace it as you are well on your way. I would agree with some other's on here and suggest big, wide, bright, fresh white shutters (the hutter should look "real" enough to beable to cover one half of the window) - that will continue the frame of the window to help them have more substance (look to the windows with the trellis to see how beautiful and fresh and substantial it looks with the white) The white will also pick up on the white bits of brick and will help your home shine. Then add substantial window boxes (make sure they are the full width of the window). That will also help draw your eye up when other blooms in the garden have faded, and may be easier for you to tend - I have disabilities too and understand :> Good luck Melissa and have fun!! :D
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 31, 2012
    Such wonderful comments and ideas. And yes, I see signs and hear on the gardening shows that Sc needs to lime their soil each year and I never have. The outer yard is lush and green, but we have just tilled and replanted the closer area last year, but notice that the soil seems needy, also is still slightly sloped. You guys are wonderful and I now now the shutters need replacing with longer and wider ones, and the exterior trimmings (ramp, etc.) shall be in white. One question...should the window boxes extend under the shutters as well?
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 31, 2012
    By the way, Sharron, I feed the roses banana peels and coffee gounds regularly. The, too rebloom over and over til fall when I cut then back slightly after blooming. I just received my first Knock-out roses this Mother's Day and plan to include them. Afraid of planting too closely, is this reasonable? Seems I want lushness, but always thin things out when they begin to get too close. Maybe this is unreasonable and counterproductive.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on May 31, 2012
    I can't thank you folks enough...this was so inspiring and educational!!! Will post the results as soon as they are done!
  • Becky H Becky H on May 31, 2012
    Melissa K. there already is a presence of horizontal lines established at the front of your home by the ramp. Just to balance things, I would install window boxes just as wide as your windows. Then, I'd install shutters long enough to bring the shutters' bottom edges even with the bottom of the window boxes. I think the vertical lines established by doing it this way will offset the horizontal lines of the ramps and ground your home. This will also permit you more shutter area/ coordinating color.
  • Sharron W Sharron W on May 31, 2012
    I like what Becky H had to say about the window boxes....but was thinking...if they are too tough for you to tend regularly...use silk flowers they can take the weather and you can also change them with the seasons...
  • Tina C Tina C on May 31, 2012
    Sage green
  • Paulanne C Paulanne C on May 31, 2012
    I think black would really make your windows stand out. But then, I love black. I even painted my double garage door black and have gotten many compliments.
  • Tina Tina on May 31, 2012
    A red like the roof ,are you going to paint he fence to match?
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on May 31, 2012
    me.... assume White would match just fine. .. not sure what would go best with a Red Roof, other then White, maybe a bright yellow? though I do understand each region has colors that seem to fit in the communities they live.
  • Leida R Leida R on Jun 01, 2012
    I suggest black, and also black door to complement. By the way, BEAUTIFUL HOME!!!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jun 01, 2012
    Tina C, they used to be sage green. Then I tried unsuccessfully to bring in a color within the brickwork. That's how all the confusion began in my head. As you guys can see, I STARTED staining the ramp railings and though received a promise from my college daughter, they were never completed. This gave me time to ponder my choice although I still have all this stain left to use. You should know also that my back deck and all my outdoor furniture their is in this same cedar stain color (OMG) But in the rear, it looks nice because the deck railings are white lattice and the walkway is white concrete. The deck is cedar stain. Should not have tried to bring the same colors to the front because the dynamics are different as you have all made me realize.Since the house is higher off the ground in the rear, the roof is not visible, only the brick, so the rear is great. Jim, I love the idea of yellow tho this may add another color to stall me. Someone suggested blue, and I'm kinda liking this offer. What do you all think about a royal or tealy shaded blue for the shutters and the rest white? Or vice versa? Becky H, thanks for explaining the dynamics of the fittings of the shutters to the window boxes. Boy, does my husband have a lot of back promises to fulfill. I would love the windowboxes and have wanted them for years. Have some scrap lumber and have been searching sites for simple-to-make boxes that we would enjoy building, since we built everything else around here. You folks make me want to mail you all some of these irises that I have to separate twice yearly and some of the 30 azaleas I successfully rooted, and...well you get the picture. It seems that the more rapidly my health fails, the more rapidly I go at this gardening thing. Loving it and all of you, too.
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jun 01, 2012
    Now...about this greenhouse I want to build...
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jun 01, 2012
    Hey you guys, looking at my yard, what do you pick up as a general theme? Is there one? Maybe I could work from there as to whatever else I want to add. Bernice gave me a nice idea about a bridge over a stream...
  • Leida R Leida R on Jun 01, 2012
    Melissa, yes Navy blue would also be nice as Mikey F suggested. I totally agree, though my original suggestion was black.
  • Susan T Susan T on Jun 03, 2012
    I like the brick, I only thought the holes shouldn't show. Just turn them the same as the rest. Again, it's justmy opinion. :) I love HOMETALK too!
  • Sweet Pea Studio Sweet Pea Studio on Sep 15, 2012
    I think black or a deep, deep dark brown. You can go to Sherwin Williams online and use their application to download these two photos and then choose the colors you like and 'paint' them onto the shutters online. Don't forget to save the ones you like so you can make a final choice when you are finished 'painting'. Good luck! Please post again when you are finished choosing.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Sep 16, 2012
    Well coming from Dawg country of course it must be black! Red roof, black trim! And a great color to tie all the colors together. (Win # 2 on the books!)
  • Linda Linda on Sep 16, 2012
    A friend of mine has a brick house and she painted the trim navy blue it looks so good I think you don't want to match and blend, but pop. I would leave the windows white and just the shutters blue.
  • Linda Linda on Sep 16, 2012
    and that little gable up there blue too.
  • Sweet Pea Studio Sweet Pea Studio on Sep 17, 2012
    I like Linda's idea of using blue on the shutters and the gable. Maybe Bonnard's Blue would be the best with morning glories climbing up the fence of the flower garden. Then, of course, you would need some tall yellow flowers to complete the look. If you like wild flowers, compass plant, would work.
  • Patty Patty on Sep 17, 2012
    I go with white shutters and fencing as you have red roof and red bricks. Front door I would do red. Then you can get your other colors from your garden flowers and foliage. A lot to think about but whatever you do it will look great. Good Luck :-)
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Sep 18, 2012
    Brick RED like your metal roof. I have the same color metal roof, but my house is concrete block painted pale yellow and brick at each window. My shutters are Forest Green cause I don't like to paint and they came that way. I seriously think Brick Red shutters would be great.
  • Timberlane Shutters Timberlane Shutters on Jul 29, 2013
    @Melissa K We would recommend purchasing new shutters all together if that is within the budget. Your shutters are a tad bit small for your windows. Typically, shutters should measure out to be half the size of your windows. In this case, they are very very small. As for the color suggestion, we would recommend a gray or white, which were both previously mentioned. Red may clash a bit too much with the natural color of the brick and the roof.
    • Diane Sterling Diane Sterling on Jan 06, 2015
      @I agree with bigger (wider) shutters. They should appear like they will actually cover the windows as intended. But I would go with black or very dark and paint the railings the same color.
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Jul 31, 2013
    Well am I surprised.... Navy huh? I would think white, but not navy...... but will think about this some more and knowing me... I will change my mind again. lol. So Melissa, what are you going to do?
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jul 31, 2013
    SOMEWHERE on this site I have posted pictures of the shutters and gable painted stark black! I like the presence it created...the house seems more grounded. If I can't find the new pics...will post them again folks. You guys have been great...I feel coddled!
  • Melissa K Melissa K on Jul 31, 2013
    By the way, we have also removed the magnolia from the yard that was blocking the view of the door and we were fearful of foundation damage. Was I surprised to find so many roots going in every direction! Poor thing. chainsaw to one of my babies rooted from the forest next to my house.....
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Aug 05, 2013
    I tried to find you pics too and could not. I bet the black looks great though. I still can't imagine Navy Blue though........ ugh.
  • Betsy Bodrero Betsy Bodrero on Jul 03, 2014
    PAINT THE RED BRICKS That's what the problem is ! The shutters will work fine. Red brick dates everything !
  • Kallen Kallen on Aug 01, 2014
    the color of the shutters is not supposed to blend in it needs to show up . darkish green would looks nice but of course the tired and true white always works. then have your door the same color. BTW they are toooooo small.
  • Kristy Champion Kristy Champion on Jan 16, 2015
    Oh my goodness! I have exactly the same problem.....a multi-colored brick home and trying to figure out which color to pull out and use for shutters. I love your brick and your roof. I think you had the right idea with gray, but maybe need to go a little charcoal gray rather than black.
  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Jan 29, 2015
    I think every one here is on the right idea....BOLDER COLOR,,,, for the shutters.. much darker grey,,, to a black.. what I first notice it RED ROOF.... its a strong large amount of color.. you need the bold color of the shutters to help balance it..... ALSO what color is the door? If its BLACK I'd go with a strong dark grey on the shutters.. they shouldn't be the same color..... the door should POP a bit as to say"COME IN HERE" ..
  • Mar1343130 Mar1343130 on Aug 16, 2015
    I think the shutters are too small. And...hows white for shutters and fence? Might look cute and make the windows look bigger because the frames are white around the windows. Get shutters that are the size of your windows, paint them white. You have white trim around the rim of your house and around top peak, so the white should look really nice. Good luck..and most importantly...enjoy it!
  • Sue Ryan Sue Ryan on Aug 29, 2016
    I would go black and paint the railing the same color. Here is a sample.
    comment photo
  • Cathy Feldman Sanders Cathy Feldman Sanders on Aug 31, 2016
    I agree with charcoal grey or black. With a vivid roof color, you have to go big or go home. Walk across the street, hold up some paint chip and it will help you to imagine the new color. Also, consider painting the railings a crisp black to give your curb appeal even more punch
  • Shelly Lee Hellmann Shelly Lee Hellmann on Sep 14, 2016
    have you thought of painting the brick ? and fatter shutters? if not I like the black option that Sue posted
  • Linda Linda on Apr 05, 2020

    I like the gray color. Maybe repose gray by Sherwin Williams