I need opinions of what to put here

by Erin
This area needs something, nut what? It doesn't have much of a sill to add anything big. Would a wreath be too much? I feel like it would be competing with the glass block.
  31 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 07, 2015
    This appears to be in the entry to your home. If you could take some shots that show more of the surrounding area, it would help me, and others, come up with ideas for you Erin.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 07, 2015
    I think putting something on that beautiful glass will take away the look I believe you were trying to achieve the first time.
  • Z Z on Sep 07, 2015
    I agree Janet. It's too beautiful to cover. I was thinking more of something simple, yet decorative, on the walls on either side of the glass blocks that would accent it and not distract from it.
  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on Sep 08, 2015
    I would get some stencils (roses, flowers, or animals or whatever is your favorite) & some stain glass paints & start to work on each square individually or get a BIG stencil & more stained glass paints & do a big ""something"" over the entire window. In daylight, it will glow up very pretty & at night, it will look like a painting. :)
  • Dana Merrell-Bair Dana Merrell-Bair on Sep 08, 2015
    In my opinion, using the scatter leaves along the bottom is a great start. Visualize how cute, if you add a bale of hay/straw off to one side of the window. Maybe top it with some pumpkins & dry corn stalks...fresh, fall harvested goods and a scarecrow. A 4' scarecrow up in the window sil, leaning up against the glass (maybe in the corner) (secured so it stays in place. Just make sure he is opposite of the decorated hay bale. If your able to, its fun to "shop" your own place and come up with great ideas (and even a theme if you haven't one already and play around. lol I came across my dad's old famous chili pot. I use it every year in my fall porch display. For 15 years , just the mention of that pot every fall, not only brings back memories for me but my 3 boys feel like they have a past with it to. And they do. It will be their moms fun stories of their grandpa 'building soup' of some kind in the old kettle we always called dads chili pot. If you don't find an old chili pot when you shop your house, maybe something like a valance across the top or something. You could even use cardboard and make a moon to hang from the top...it all depends how far you wanna go with it. How about a fence? lol see? it just depends how far you wanna take it! However it turns out will be perfect. btw, how big is this window? haha should have asked that first! lol Have fun with it and make sure to sit with a warm something in a mug and just loolk at it for awhile. I guarantee you will be moving things around, 'shopping' more, taking out,moving...yada yada You get the picture, right? Make sure to smile & have fun creating your masterpiece. That will bring good, strong, happy energy to surround you. This is my rough copy so I hope it didn't require a lot of edits...sorry Don't forget to post pictures!! Happy Fall, Dana
  • Jeane Harrison Jeane Harrison on Sep 08, 2015
    I think the window is beautiful as it. I would hang some art on the wall and maybe a low bench if there's room.
  • Edwin oliver Edwin oliver on Sep 08, 2015
    What about running a thin glass shelf from one side of the window to the other ( divide the window in half to position the shelf) and fill it with old colored bottles ( blue, green or amber). Just one color. If the frame of the window is wood you can hold the shelf with an L shape holder. The light thru the bottles will brake the monotony of the glass wall. Secured the bottles to the self with adhesive double sided foam tape. On the sides of the window hang pictures or plates that complement the bottles either in color or theme. I am not Edwin Oliver but his wife Vicky.
  • M.d1041801 M.d1041801 on Sep 08, 2015
    Paint a mural of your inspiración with glass paint, add mush, Woody and texture. It would be an artistic focal point. Eh en the Sun shines through ir will capture everyones attention
  • Jnn528417 Jnn528417 on Sep 08, 2015
    I thought maybe colouring or adding a picture on a few blocks but then the window itself is gorgeous I agree with Jeane I would hang something unique, not too busy, maybe something with strands of coloured glass....
  • Terry Betlewski Terry Betlewski on Sep 08, 2015
    I love glass block so I would only put a table with a plant and accessories there.
  • Fab and Pretty Fab and Pretty on Sep 08, 2015
    I love the suggestion of the bench, however personally I'm big on having a table as suggested by @Terry Betlewski . Personally I love having a table with a drawer to throw keys sunglasses at the entrance. I could really see a taller table with a great lamp on it. You see this often with a large mirror behind. Also when the lamp is on, the effect on the other side of the glass block will be so interesting!
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Sep 08, 2015
    If you get warmth or air movement, why not try your hand at a Caulder inspired mobile? Theae are fun and very interesting to execute with found or crafted objects that will catch every movement and swing away.
  • Linda Hanson Linda Hanson on Sep 08, 2015
    there is always the option of thinking "outside" the blocks- sorry LOL could not resist the pun. Treat it like a treasured painting by framing it with some fancy moulding or add flower garlands maybe add a small thin border of wall paper?That way the window and light from the window are not blocked and you still had a touch of finness. Then you can add a hanging shelf- perhaps one on hinges that can fold away from time to time when you want a different look or need the extra room. You can add and take away the items on the shelf at the drop of a shelf OMG what is with my funny side today !LOLOL
  • Twotontessie Twotontessie on Sep 08, 2015
    use coloured lights I like that Idea myself...even tiny led lights that can change colours frequently. That way you get the advantage of keeping your glass bricks, but having a soothing rainbow effect. I thought of doing that in my dining area.
  • LD LD on Sep 08, 2015
    I would add a wood shelf level with the windowsill and attach with rod iron brackets. Then install a drapery scarf to soften the window and hang the scarf with scarf hangers. Here is a link which shows all kinds of hardware:http://www.google.com/search?q=drapery+scarf+holder&source=univ&hl=en-US&tbm=isch&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0CF4Q7AlqFQoTCK3VhcXd58cCFcsyiAodxRAJjQ&biw=640&bih=400. You can also add some battery operated lights with garland to give it a whimsical look.
  • Darlene Clonts Darlene Clonts on Sep 08, 2015
    Long curtains with a shear behind it and a small table with a lamp in the middle
  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Sep 08, 2015
    I would hang a faux stained glass piece in front of the window. It will really glow with the light shining through.
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  • Kathy Bitzan Kathy Bitzan on Sep 08, 2015
    great ideas. There are some plants that might do well on a table, I like julies1949 idea also. You will find something that works for you even if you have to change it out once in awhile.
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Sep 08, 2015
    You could just leave the window as is and add a cornice to the top in a fabric that ties in with the rest of your decor. Either put a shelf along the bottom of the window that matches woodwork or maybe a nice long, low sofa table in front of it to hold plants and some photos....With a shelf or table you can change out your decor easily for holidays, etc.
  • Claire Chambers Claire Chambers on Sep 08, 2015
    I'd do curtains on the sides hanging to the floor, and I love Julie's idea of adding some faux framed stained glass in front. Try to make the most of the extra light it adds.
  • Lynn Lynn on Sep 08, 2015
    I would like to see a narrow bench with a pretty floral cushion on it with a valance to match. stained glass would be pretty hanging or a pretty wreath to go with your material.
  • Sheila D Sheila D on Sep 08, 2015
    Is this window in a foyer, opening into a main room or hallway? That may determine which direction to go.
  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on Sep 09, 2015
    MAYBE something like this then ..........
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  • Moxie Moxie on Sep 09, 2015
    I would add window film in a boarder and make it look like it is stained glass framed
  • Vickie Johnson Vickie Johnson on Sep 12, 2015
    If you can stencil maybe used glass paint from Hobby Lobby or Michaels and give it a stain glass effect. Use a valance at the top and a narrow bench at the bottom. Light would still shine through, not real expensive or hard to do and you still get your bench and valance.
  • Carol Carol on Sep 14, 2015
    I would replace the glass block with a real window. After saying that, try a narrow soda table with tall skinny lamps at each end and a large vase in the center with seasonal floral displays. (Can be silk flowers, leaves or even a small Christmas tree in Dec.). The tall lights will add a pleasant glow outside at night and maybe cause the center arrangement to appear as a shadow.
  • M'sMammy M'sMammy on Sep 14, 2015
    Hanging plants. They should do well in the diffused light.
  • Ter1050140 Ter1050140 on Sep 15, 2015
    I agree. Hanging plants!!
  • JennB JennB on Sep 17, 2015
    You could add thin wood along the horizontal lines & put small colored glass bottles which would ad a stained glass affect. If a wreath is to busy you could try a large initial hung from the top so that it's centered, not as busy a wreath.
  • Cindy Smith Cindy Smith on Sep 19, 2015
    I like the stencil idea, to make it look like stained glass
  • Rose Howell Bagwell Rose Howell Bagwell on Sep 25, 2016
    Could you hang a floral or leave garland to match what ever you you put on the window sill on bottom ? I love the glass block my self. You could also buy a tension rod and put a curtain/drapes to dress up the area.