Asked on Nov 05, 2015

Best color for living room with brown furniture & white trim

Kimberly Garcia
by Kimberly Garcia
I'm painting my walls soon and need ideas to make my living room comfy & cozy...
  19 answers
  • Ann Marie Kinsley Ann Marie Kinsley on Nov 06, 2015
    A nice soft shade of green would look nice. Maybe like a moss color or possibly a shade of olive would look nice. If you don't have a lot of light in the room don't go too dark.
  • Linda Germana Linda Germana on Nov 06, 2015
    I always combine brown with a light shade of aqua blue. Look at your clothes and put different colors together to come up with the combinations you like best.
  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Nov 06, 2015
    I agree with the blue idea but as opposed to aqua I would go with a subtler shade of light gray/blue: just dark enough to set off the trim and just blue enough to make the brown furniture pop against it :) And, of course, just gray enough that it will go with anything. We would love to see pictures of your color choice!
  • Pat Kramer Pat Kramer on Nov 06, 2015
    I had an aqua living room at one time and it was the most soothing room in the house..Browns go beautiful with aqua...add some aqua throw pillows and some cream throws and you will love it...
  • Judy Lewis Judy Lewis on Nov 06, 2015
    Yep, I would paint in a very light shade of blue, maybe even a powder blue or light gray.
  • Bron Bron on Nov 06, 2015
    I thought of a very light sunshine yellow/cream. It would have to be the right yellow though. Try google..... 'color decor with brown furniture' I think that would really give you a vast selection to look at. Another idea that would be REALLY DIFFERENT would be the color pink. Brown and pink look good in clothing but not sure in furnishings? Worth thinking about ?
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  • Z Z on Nov 06, 2015
    It depends a lot on what other colors you'll be using as accents. Using a blue, though very pretty with brown, will limit what you can do in the room. If you're fine with that, then I'd suggest At Sea by BM. Teal Ice or Spa by Behr.
    • Nana in Texas Nana in Texas on Nov 07, 2015
      I agree with Becky that you have to consider other colors you might already have in the room. And also,think about lighting. Our windows are not large and there are large trees outside our den. I have to use very pale colors or the room begins to look like a cave...very dark. Could the white trim be changed? That might open other possibilities. Otherwise, I like the idea of a very light aqua or a very light peach/coral color to mis with brown.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Nov 06, 2015
    There are so many new shades available, however when choosing a color you must take into consideration of light . Paint colors look different if the light is to dark or vice versa.It also depends if there is an open floor plan with connecting rooms. Perhaps you can share a photo which would help tremendously instead of second guessing colors.
  • Lori Johansen Lori Johansen on Nov 07, 2015
    A beautiful light blue. Had this color combination in our home in Sweden.
  • Donna L. Woods-Clements Donna L. Woods-Clements on Nov 07, 2015
    If you're planning to re-accessorize, just go with your favorite color--in 2 shades. For example, a really pale celery green ("celedon") which changes color as the sun moves around the room, & a dark green accent wall. A pale aqua/turquoise with a teal accent wall. Your throw pillows &/or winter lap throws &/or wall art should have at least some of the same colors. If you already have artwork in the room & love it, use colors from that.
  • Jamie Richards Jamie Richards on Nov 07, 2015
    I have brown furniture, wood floors and brown carpeting, white baseboards and doors and cream walls. It makes the white pop and is soft.
  • Liliana Wells Liliana Wells on Nov 09, 2015
    these are all good ideas. Also, keep in mind, when looking at pictures in magazines or online you are attracted to certain colors (not the same shade), but a family of certain colors. Choose from those preferences. They show your personality and it will be easier to live with them. I know, for example, that I am attracted to reds and blues with beigesi n the background. I stay away from oranges and greens; although I may use them in small quantities as accents colors.
  • Kathy Bettis Marez Kathy Bettis Marez on Nov 11, 2015
    There are many shades of mint that would make your room look fresh and inviting. Brown furniture of any shade looks nice against the mint, and it's like bringing a touch of the outdoors into your living spaces. I suggest looking on Pinterest at rooms and paying attention to the rooms that speak to you. Another awesome color is yellow with a hint of gold...very pretty as well.
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Nov 13, 2015
    Some of your choice depends on how often you get tired of a particular look. I tend to suggest staying with neutrals on the walls. (you can always paint an accent wall if you want a pop of color) If you stay with the neutrals (yes there are lots of warm neutrals) you can easily change out the "look" of your room by simply changing out accessories such as pillows, throws, rugs, vases, candles, lamps, etc. If you commit to a specific color like blue or green on your walls, it becomes much more work if you get tired of it and want to change things up. Here is a living room with a color I love that is a warm neutral (rustic taupe-Behr). It looks great with the dark furniture and white trim. It changes in the light and sometimes looks more taupe and sometimes more brown.
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  • Glaynebaker Glaynebaker on Nov 14, 2015
    Decades ago, when the TV decorating craze first began, Lynette Jennings taught to begin with a print (fabric, scarf, pillow, linens) that you love and use the colors in it to guide your decorating. The print helps set your theme or tone, too. So, find a pattern you love and follow it for your colors. Good luck and have fun!
  • Joni Gordon Joni Gordon on Apr 14, 2021

    I'm having my downstairs painted now. We chose Behr Beehive as accent walls and a honey yellow for the rest. Very lovely

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Jul 31, 2021

    simply grey

  • Janice Janice on Aug 09, 2023

    Please consider the style of your furniture and whether you like a sleek contemporary look or a more traditional look. I'd go with very little color or one that I love and never tire of, usually can be based upon the clothing that you wear and love. Then you can consider that color either lighter or darker and not grow tired of it in the future. You might also find a print or geometric pattern of fabric that you love and then paint your room in one of the colors in that pattern.