How to hide a gas line

by Paul
I want to move the rose bush but it will leave the gas line exposed. Does anyone have any idea what I can make to hide it? I thought about maybe having my husband make a house-like cover to sit over it. Any suggestions?
  12 answers
  • Judy Riley Judy Riley on Dec 06, 2015
    its right outside your door why not make a lattice privacy screen along the side of the patio
  • Annette Pinks Annette Pinks on Dec 07, 2015
    A little bench/table. Maybe a plant on it?
  • Diane B Diane B on Dec 07, 2015
    Since a gas line is considered a utility and should be accessible (for emergency situations), I suggest that you use a square or rectangular pot, fill it half way with styrofoam, or plastic bags, place a pot (that can be changed out) of greenery and or flowering plant in it. I might also suggest that you use a planter that has a trellis that is no larger than head high and put a flowering vine on it. Since you are in AZ, it will probably not be a worry about it freezing. You might want to consider planting some type of grass (loriepe or monkey grass or zebra) around the foundation, to add a bit of softness to this landscape.
  • Jim Ginas Jim Ginas on Dec 07, 2015
    agree, I am asking my contractor to build the pic attached and place a plant big enough to cover the top
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  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 07, 2015
    I would make containers gardens around the area since they will be portable should you ever have to move them.
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Dec 07, 2015
    I would use a lattice to make a little "L" shaped privacy fence like thing. I know you need access tio it but folks from the street don't need to know its there. I personally would use shrubs, climbing plants or ornamental grasses to camoflauge it. Do you plan to landscape your yard? Make it a part of that overall landscape plant if you are.
  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on Dec 07, 2015
    I would keep the rosebush where it is. It seems to be thriving. Prune it. For a bang with your buck, I think you should build a pergola across the front of your house. it will add character and depth and a little shade. a big window box hung underneath the window would look lovely too.
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  • Carole Bisby Carole Bisby on Dec 07, 2015
    Just put lattice around it and a piece over the top to hid it. I would move the rose bush to the front of the house under the little window.
  • EdiLeck EdiLeck on Dec 07, 2015
    Before hiding it with anything, be sure to check with your utility company and ask them what is acceptable and within code. If they say it doesn't matter, then cover it with a planter box of some sort; not to heavy so it can be moved, leaving easy/quick access to the gas line in case of an emergency.
  • Paul Paul on Dec 07, 2015
    Thanks, just didn't want it to be shown when rosebush was moved. Understand what you mean though. Might just put lattice over it.
  • CK CK on Dec 10, 2015
    My hubby did make a custom fitted box to go over the meter and the pipes. It has a door accessible with a little latch that opens it up in the precise spot where the shut off valve is, for emergencies. Painted it the same color as the siding. Because we made it two levels (to accomodate the way the pipes are connected to the meter) it's a nice place for little plants to rest.
  • Paul Paul on Dec 10, 2015
    Thanks for all the suggestions. Will decide after the holidays. Merry Christmas everyone.