where do you get pallets?

i see so many pallet projects i would love to do and i can't come up with one dang one i have asked where there is some and get turned down because they reuse them or something plz plz what is the secret???
  14 answers
  • If you lived in NJ I have a friend who owns a wood stove business and cannot give them away fast enough. You simply need to go to companies who take in products that come on pallets. Often times companies who also ship out on pallets are not giving them away as the use them. Also pallet companies purchase them to fix and resell. Go to your local food store and ask managers. They often get pallets with food on them and perhaps will be willing to loose a few of them for you.
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Mar 18, 2013
    i am in columbia,tn
  • Chris, try any commercial business that would most likely have deliveries using pallets, But not businesses that would be shipping products out on them. As those companies rarely give pallets away. But those who accept shipments of goods such as super markets or stores such as Kmart etc may have extras that they would be willing to part with. AS they do not normally send things back or ship using them.
  • Jeff C Jeff C on Mar 18, 2013
    Try your local Craigslist page under the Free section or building supplies. In my area, I see a bunch of people selling pallets for cheap or just trying to give them away. Here is a Craigslist search for pallets on the Nashville TN page http://nashville.craigslist.org/search/?areaID=32&subAreaID=&query=pallets&catAbb=sss
  • Brandi Hegerty Brandi Hegerty on Mar 18, 2013
    I see pallets on the side of business dumpsters all the time. I simply go in, tell them what I am using them for, and they are happy to let me have them. Here is my stock pile so far! :-)
    comment photo
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Mar 18, 2013
    thank you so much everyone for your suggestion,we just got approved to buy a home today so i will have to be looking in earnest soon xx
  • Lorraine F Lorraine F on Mar 19, 2013
    One thing to remember...pallet boards are attached with spiral nails....VERY hard to get out! I use a reciprocating saw (SawsAll) to cut them off. I don't mind the little piece of nail left in the board, but that can also be hammered out with a punch to leave a nice hole. You might be able to rent a saw at a Home Depot or Lowes and spend the day just taking your pallets apart so you can have the boards when you need them! Good luck!
  • Trudie S Trudie S on Mar 19, 2013
    your local newspaper, feed stores, floor covering stores, most warehouse stores. Hope this helps they advertise sometimes in the local newspaper. Good luck and happy hunting:0)
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Mar 19, 2013
    wow hometalk people are great thank you for advise xx
  • Jeanine Wester Jeanine Wester on Mar 19, 2013
    Our Ace Hardware let's me take them. I asked if I could have a few and they were more than happy to give them away for free. They had a bunch in good condition ready for the trash!
  • Vintage Headboards Vintage Headboards on Mar 19, 2013
    Depending on what you are using them for you should look for different thicknesses of the top boards as well the width of each of the top boards too. I made an accent wall with a lot of pallets. It takes more time to find the pallets and to remove all of the nails and screws than anything else. I looked for grayish pallets vs the newer look. I wanted the accent wall to look worn and aged. I posted the project recently.
  • Lizz Reese Lizz Reese on Mar 19, 2013
  • Annette Kemp Annette Kemp on Mar 20, 2013
    Be careful...Some pallets are sprayed with an oily toxic perservative. If it looks oily- probably wouldn't use it to make furniture or grow plants in...