zucchini question

by Yaron
Is it a problem that the zucchini fruits are laying on the ground? I am concerned that this way they are more vulnerable.
Any preventive organic method I should use to prevent bugs?
  3 answers
  • Yaron Yaron on May 07, 2013
    @Old World Garden Farms @360 Sod (Donna Dixson) @Walter Reeves would love to get your advice.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 07, 2013
    I've heard that some people stake zucchini, but everyone I know who's grown it just leaves the plants on the ground, so it's kind of inevitable that some of the zucchinis touch the ground. You could certainly give your plants a weekly shower with an insecticidal soap (a commercially made and tested product, not something homemade).
  • Catherine Smith Catherine Smith on May 07, 2013
    Agree with Douglas, do make sure to gently pick up the leaf system and spray under the leaves and on the ground as well. We had a terrible outbreak of squash borers and found spraying regularly with insecticidal soap got that problem under control. Last year we planted a cover crop of hairy vetch in a couple of beds in an attempt to disrupt their life cycle. Hopefully that works. I also use home made cloches and row covers on the young plants to help keep down the infestation.