
Donna McCrummen
by Donna McCrummen
  11 answers
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Apr 04, 2012
    Is this the one you were asking for color opinions on?
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Apr 04, 2012
    Oh, and it's just lovely!
  • Donna McCrummen Donna McCrummen on Apr 04, 2012
    Thank you Miriam. On this one I used three different left over paints and mixed them together. White, Blue and Green. The one I was asking opinions on was this....
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  • Susan S Susan S on Apr 04, 2012
    Both are FAN-TAB-U-LOUS, as usual!! Question - is this where the wax comes in. Applied after you've gotten the desired effect w/the paint, distressing etc. Does the wax act as a protective coat to keep the paint from chiping or any further distressing that isn't wanted from occuring? I've never quite been sure how the paint is protected?? Oh, and how is the WORKSHOP planning coming along???
  • Miriam Illions Miriam Illions on Apr 04, 2012
    Ah, beautiful!
  • Donna McCrummen Donna McCrummen on Apr 05, 2012
    You are all so kind. Thank you. @Susan, yes the wax is a protectant. Some people wax before distressing and some after. It's just a matter of preference. For me, I usually have 3-4 projects going at once so it just depends on where I am. Sheila, on table tops I've been using Varathane Satin water based floor finish (warning, do not shake the can stir gently or you will get bubbles). CeCe has announced her own Satin Finish, of course health and environmentally friendly for those who don't want to mess with wax. It will be here next week. On workshops - I'm shooting for sometime in May for a trip down your way. You can host a workshop at your place - email me
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Apr 05, 2012
    Looking good...that mahogany top really POPS
  • Donna McCrummen Donna McCrummen on Apr 05, 2012
    Thank you KMS -
  • Harold M Harold M on Apr 05, 2012
    Very nice
  • Carol Carol on Jan 25, 2016
    I think this is a piano desk. I have seen them sell for $300.00-$500.00 in original condition. I bought mine in NC 15 years ago while visiting our oldest daughter. It was an instant hit with all daughters and granddaughters wanting it. They loved the size for their laptops and the fact that the legs came off and it could be set by USPS or UPS anywhere they moved. I found another one here in AZ but it was almost $500.00, so it was out of my price range.
  • JCEllis JCEllis on Feb 06, 2016
    It is a spinnet desk and they are worth some money. My mom had painted hers over the years and finally had a professional strip it and re-stain. It is beautiful now.