Asked on Apr 20, 2016

How can I repurpose old glass cabinet doors?

by Samantha
So there are three glass cabinet doors with lead design, or whatever you would call it, taken from the old kitchen of my dads place. They're in good condition still and is a shame to just toss them. I feel they have some potential in them but can't come up with a "modern" use for them to reuse them in my dads new place.. Or even mine if they turn out to suite my decor. Any ideas what you would do if you had these three doors in your possession? I've got writers block but in the up cycled way :)
Three glass doors with diamond shape design. Sorry if the pic is bad it's the only one I have so far :)
  22 answers
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Apr 20, 2016
    You could put them together to make a bed headboard to hang on the wall, although for safety, you might want to remove the glass or else get some safety film to put on the glass so it will not shatter.
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    • Samantha Samantha on May 18, 2016
      This is its colour change
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  • Jean Myles Jean Myles on Apr 20, 2016
    If there's any one that is handy they could be used as doors in your dad's new place on on a TV stand or use then to make a coffee or end table by laying a piece of glass over the diamond glass. I could explain more if it might be something you were considering doing..
  • Jackie Gulick-Dunn Jackie Gulick-Dunn on Apr 21, 2016
    Those are so beautiful. How about clustering them on a wall with other items. Use for outdoor Decorations on the porch, or create a piece especially honoring those doors!
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  • Jim L Jim L on Apr 21, 2016
    They do not have to stay together...Hang in front of another window to add variety, hang they three together on a wall to add interest but not be overwhelming...they really are nice and would be a shame to toss them. If all else fails, donate...
  • Patricia C Patricia C on Apr 21, 2016
    search "repurposed leaded glass windows" on the internet for some great ideas or sell them on Etsy... probably get a good price as they are very nice. good luck
  • Connie Connie on Apr 21, 2016
    Hinge them together in a triangle shape. Add a wood bottom and a glass top. Put a shelf in the middle. You could add a plant for the look of a aged greenhouse. Put some twinkle lights in the bottom.
  • Sarah A. Victory Sarah A. Victory on Apr 21, 2016
    I think you can do the same ideas w/those cabinet doors as old windows. Take the hinges off and white wash or chalk paint the wood. You could do mirror paint on them, key holder, add hooks and use for whatever you need to hang up.
  • Lyn2398900 Lyn2398900 on Apr 21, 2016
    Give them to me! I need them in my kitchen! :-)
    • Samantha Samantha on Apr 22, 2016
      That's the down side to living in little old Ireland. I'm far away from the real creative geniuses on this page :/
  • Constance G Constance G on Apr 22, 2016
    If you have children and equal number of doors, create a collage of pictures to celebrate each childs life, give as gifts.
  • Lyn2398900 Lyn2398900 on Apr 22, 2016
    Just asking for advice means you are open to suggestions! But I do love those glass doors. If you could include them in your renovation, it would be beautiful. Noticed a lot of remodeling are including old with the new and those are the ones that are most admired. (Oh, Ireland, never been there) :-(
    • Samantha Samantha on Apr 22, 2016
      Definitely always opened to suggestions! :) if I was able to give them to you easily I would have no hassle doing so as I know you'd make great use of them :) sadly doors like these in Ireland are not much sort after. These days the Irish seem to be leaning more towards the blank glass doors. I wil take your advice and incorporate it somewhere in the house, just to keep its history of whoever put them there in the first place. The kitchen was last done in 1972!
  • Lyn2398900 Lyn2398900 on Apr 22, 2016
    Good for you, hang onto them. Hey, you could be the one who starts a new fad, or whatever you call it in Ireland! Let's see, we could call you a "rebel". A new fashion trend . It's got to start somewhere! And if you are on this site, you know what's going on everywhere. By the way, I'm going to be 86 yr. this month. And I'm still keeping up on what's new, or should I say "what's old"! I love antiques and always like the new inventions. So my place is not just one style. But I really shouldn't plan ahead anymore.......
    • See 2 previous
    • Samantha Samantha on May 28, 2016
      It's frozen at the moment. Waiting now for the creative buzz to kick in
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  • Sandra Sandra on Apr 23, 2016
    Are they stone floors? It's looks like that on the photo. How wonderful!!! I know you want "modern", but your culture is so important. I say use the doors in your kitchen. If you don't like the clear glass, paint them with glass paint. You could put mirrors inside, paint the wood in a color you like and add a last coat of a glaze over it. This would make your space seem larger and give your kitchen more light. Or, if you like you could have sheet metal cut to size and try that. Very modern. Plus you have a way to use magnets on the inside of your doors. You can use that for notes or buy little metal magnetic containers for spices to hang on inside of the doors. But use those lovely doors. One other thought. If you don't like them and you have kids or other close family, someone might really like to have them.
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    • Vic C. Vic C. on Apr 24, 2016
      @Samantha Ya, love that design too.. :) Glad I was able to help some ways! :D
  • C Crow C Crow on Apr 23, 2016
    These are gorgeous doors. Perhaps something like this would appeal to you:
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    • Constance G Constance G on Apr 24, 2016
      @C Crow ohmy oh my oh my! My mom replaced all of her windows last summer, I did mine last fall, and I simply could not part with the old windows and we replaced a couple of doors as well, I am still going at it on my pplace hard n heavy and I totally love the miniture greenhouses! I am good to go in appx 2 months!
  • Janell Janell on Apr 23, 2016
    If you could attach the three of them together, they could be the top for a coffee table. Or you could use them as the tops for three side tables.
  • Viv5196087 Viv5196087 on Apr 23, 2016
    Hello. I suggest you put handles on the small sides and a metallic or plastic web/grid/matrix on the glass and turn them to serving dishes, or put hinges and turn them into the cover of a wooden box, or a drawer as top of o coffee table.
    • Samantha Samantha on Apr 23, 2016
      Loving the cover box idea.. I'll have to make note of everyone's advice and suggestions and see what suits them best! Will keep you all posted!
  • Mickey Baron Mickey Baron on Apr 24, 2016
    Do you garden or have an outside patio/deck? Those would look lovely hanging with flowers or vines near them.
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 11, 2022

    Maybe make a Lantern?

  • If they are standard sizes you could remove cabinet doors in your kitchen and replace them with these for interest.

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 04, 2022

    They would make great windows in a child's play house.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 30, 2022

    Make a Large Lantern or Plant growing cloche.

  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 05, 2022

    When in doubt you could list them for sale and see what happends.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 11, 2023

    Maybe paint with coloured glass paint and hang as wall decor or make into to Screens adding hinges for fireplace etc.