Asked on May 21, 2016

Painting security shutters

by Don
Anyone have any idea in correct prep and type of paint used to paint motorized security shutters?
  6 answers
  • Susan Susan on May 21, 2016
    The manufacturer would be best to answer.
    • Don Don on May 21, 2016
      Made in china i bought this house eight years ago with shutters already installed i spoke to company who installed shutters However the company has changed hands at least 4 times according to current owner.
  • Mike Mesmer Mike Mesmer on May 21, 2016
    These rolling shutters on private residences in America are not very common. Mostly they are made of Aluminium or PVC and usually the paint last forever. However if you have the need to paint them for whatever reason, you better are prepared to take them apart, clean, sand, prime and lacquer each slat individually. Considering the effort and costs involved it would be cheaper the replace the whole body of the rolling shutter.
    • Don Don on May 21, 2016
      Thank You Mike Mesmer. Yes just as i had assumed. Two windows will be removed and bricked up in next month or so. So I'm experimenting with taking one shutter down and paint and leave the other one up and paint. I'll leave feedback this arvo
  • B. Enne B. Enne on May 22, 2016
    spray paint for Tremclad ?
  • Don Don on May 22, 2016
    comment photo
    comment photo
  • Don Don on Jun 02, 2016
    Epoxy enamel in Spray can
    • See 1 previous
    • Lisa Munoz Lisa Munoz on Apr 18, 2018

      Hi Don! how long did you not operate them for after painting to make sure they were good and dry? I love the sunshine and need to have mine open when I'm home. It will be hard to live in the dark until I know they are completely dry. :(