My Projects

Melissa Canady
by Melissa Canady
This is an old smoke house on my property that I want to do something with and I'm not sure what I want to do.
Old smoke house on my property
  16 answers
  • Kimberly Barney Kimberly Barney on Jul 14, 2013
    Definitely cool!! I love it!! I think I would remove the signs from the door and paint the door a cheerful yellow or red and adorn with a grapevine wreath. I would expand the current deck to span the entire front of the smokehouse so you could put a couple of rocking chairs on it. I like the barrel planter but feel it needs to be planted with some colorful annuals and at Christmas time, you could decorate a tomato cage with greenery and rustic wood ornaments which could also decorate the wreath. I would remove the other planter. Love the use of the old garden tools and windows as outdoor décor for the smokehouse. I do not know what you are using the building for but I see it as a private reading space with comfy seating or a potting shed.
  • Barb Rosen Barb Rosen on Jul 14, 2013
    That is a wonderful rustic shed, Melissa! You are so lucky to have it. I can see it as a garden shed with a garden planted around it ~ with sunflowers, hollyhocks, black-eyed Susans and other old fashioned cottage flowers plus a birdbath, etc.
  • Cookie Cookie on Jul 15, 2013
    It appears from the photo that you already have a porch if you expand the porch floor to the size of the porch roof! How wonderful! The porch could be screened or left unscreened. As Barb said it is wonderful as a garden shed for potting, storage, etc. and would be lovely to surround with the old-fashioned flowers she suggested. Other thoughts include a tea house, playhouse, or guest house. As Kimberly mentioned it would be a great private reading area. In addition it could be used for crafts or an office. Looks like the chinking needs to be replaced, avoiding that foam stuff. What a treasure! So happy that you have it.
  • Faye Faye on Jul 17, 2013
    Melissa, I wouldn't change a thing on that ole smoke house it has so much character. I believe you could plant a nice tree on the sunny side,to keep it cool, and fix-up with pickit fence on both side's of the porch in front of the house, then planter's or in the ground shrubs that you love .Take down the signs and replace with hanging pots of flower's , that will brighten it up a bit. The idea's are endless, you have your work cut out for you , but please post picture when your done, can't wait to see what you come up with.
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 17, 2013
    keep this signs and add vintage tools hanging on the outside. wrap a small picket fence (with clematis growing on it) around it and add a cottage garden full of whimsical flowers or a vegetable/herb garden or even a small knot garden....with a stone step pathway winding its way through, making it a focal point. Add a bird bath, bird feeders, benches...hang drying herbs on eaves. Run a porch the full length of the front and extend out deep enough to accommodate a glider swing and some vintage outdoor tables. If I can get this sketch to go through my email will post later:)
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on Jul 18, 2013
    A quick sketch of a bird garden centered around the focal point of the smoke house. As usual with these, I have already thought of alterations to the design. My designs are pretty fluid in that respect! It is a pretty crude drawing but I think you will get the jist of the concept.
    comment photo
  • I would start smoking fish and turkey and pork....
  • Melanie Wynn Melanie Wynn on Sep 24, 2013
    So rustic looking very nice
  • Melanie Wynn Melanie Wynn on Sep 24, 2013
    Love the barrel
  • Create a nice seating area .I also love the idea of a herb garden maybe even a vegetable patch .You should have a party here.
  • Dick Clark IV Dick Clark IV on Nov 10, 2013
    Man Cave!!!!!
  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Mar 20, 2015
    This would be a cute potting shed.....or a personal relaxation coop.
  • Steve Spinks Steve Spinks on Mar 26, 2015
  • Barb Barb on Jul 01, 2015
    Playhouse for kids or grandkids,
  • LeeBlackish LeeBlackish on Aug 31, 2016
    Smoke some Meat, Fish, Cheese, Eggs ........ Put a little garden around the base, put Image(s) in the back of that window frame, and hang it, so it looks like a window.
  • Haysha S. Haysha S. on Nov 29, 2016
    I really wish I had a smoke house.