Asked on Sep 04, 2016

What color to paint kitchen cabinets

by Vickie
I just bought my house and it needs some updating. I get a lot of natural light in my kitchen and was trying to decide on what color to paint my kitchen cabinets.
I've had white before and I am not a fan of having to wipe splatters of food off all the time. Would a dark stain that matches my dark hardwood work?
blue grey walls with a dark hardwood floor
  14 answers
    Mary Anne I. Hi, I am not sure dark wood floors which are beautiful and adding dark cabinets would look. I do not feel there would be a contrast. Since you do not want white would you consider a cream with a dark brown glaze on the molding of the door cabinets. My sister had her kitchen done 2 years ago, her cabinets look awesome. Just a thought. I would love to have white cabinets with black accents-just can not seem to figure it out. Well I hope that helps, you can email me. Mary Anne wish you well with your project, I can't wait to see it.
  • Earnestine Earnestine on Sep 04, 2016
    white and grey or beige
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 04, 2016
    Personally I would not paint the cabinets. I would stain them a slightly darker color to accent your floor. Research Min for assorted color schemes.
  • Andrea Andrea on Sep 04, 2016
    White or grey. If you go dark it will turn your kitchen into a cave.
  • Dru2396556 Dru2396556 on Sep 04, 2016
    Hi. If you do them white then your kitchen will look bigger and more sleek because there will not be a stopping point for the eye just a continuous motion. White with a dark floor is a great contrast and a solid grounding. After all that listen to your intuition that will tell you what you want. Regards Iona
  • Maya Houmann Hansen Maya Houmann Hansen on Sep 04, 2016
    I would prefer a light green - maybe with som darker staines .Need some colour, I think ???
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Sep 04, 2016
    Stain/paint the lower cabinets dark to match floor. Uppers, I would go light, like a honey butter wheat but a bit richer/darker than the walls and counter, , to keep the white appliances lifted and worked into the schema.
    • See 1 previous
    • Johnchip Johnchip on Sep 04, 2016
      Actually the honey/butter wheat color they say is no. 1 for increased resale value for kitchen color.. and it will kill two birds with one stone.. it closest matches the food colors which stain the cabinets! There is an old adage: if your enemy is determined to get in, make a place for them before they make a mess by themselves.
  • Rsw8986364 Rsw8986364 on Sep 04, 2016
    White , upgrade the appliances with mat gunmetal stainless
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Sep 04, 2016
    I actually have blue grey walls (with a touch of aqua, but you can't actually see it) with gel stain on my lower cabinets the same tone as your floor (like an espresso shade), and I left the top in natural oak, similar to yours, and we love them. I figured if we didn't, I could always change the uppers later. I added hardware the colour of the lowers. My floor is white because it is painted vinyl, but we are thinking of going dark..I still have to do the toe kicks too. We painted the walls that colour, because we are going for a coastal look, in the house, and because I was looking for a colour that would make the orangy cabinets look less garish. Most of my appliances are white except the range, but we are gradually going stainless.
  • Erika Erika on Sep 04, 2016
    I agree with you about the white. In addition to being hard to keep clean, it wouldn't contrast with your walls and appliances much. If you are open to doing a color, I like blue and green cabinets. Here are a few pictures I've saved for color inspiration (my cabinets currently look just like yours!)
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  • Lyn2398900 Lyn2398900 on Sep 05, 2016
    I'm so into having color! Pick what would go with your kitchen . I'm thinking of having a green, not real dark tho, on the bottom cupboards and an ivory on the top ones. HGTV shows are a good place to get ideas....and magazines.
  • Ska6325059 Ska6325059 on Sep 07, 2016
    I did with sage
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  • Darlene Nuppnau Darlene Nuppnau on Nov 30, 2018

    Used yosemite sand for walls and Behr dark granite for cabinets. Love my cubboards.

  • Oliva Oliva on Dec 01, 2018

    Unless you store spices in the upper cabinets on either side of stove, have you contemplated opening them up by inserting glass into them?

    Think about a contrasting color for knobs and pulls, to keep sticky handprints off doors.

    Current trend is to place a darker color on base cabinets or island. Uppers could be blue, with lowers a grey, or vice versa, continuing your color theme, so long as all colors blend well with each other.