What to make for baby shower when the parents don't know the sex?

by Brenda
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 10, 2017

    what exactly do you mean what to make????

  • Dmk1007 Dmk1007 on Apr 11, 2017

    Firstly, use gender neutral pastel colors, like light greens, or soft yellow. I went to a baby shower last year. The woman was having twins, but at that time, she didn't want to know the sex of the children. I made a "bouquet" consisting of baby socks (as the roses), on sticks, and surrounded them with a few real flowers and lots lor baby's breath. I put the bouquet in a flower pot, with a "false" soil bottom. Underneath the false bottom (inside the pot), I put baby items like pacifiers, baby nail clippers, powder, lotion, diaper cream, etc.

    it was a big hit with everyone!

    PS - For your food table, take a watermelon, cut 1/4 off, (so it looks like an old fashioned baby carriage) scoop out the inside, and fill it with different melon balls and other fruits!

    Debra K.

  • Danielle Odin Danielle Odin on Apr 11, 2017

    It depends on what you want to make. I am a knitter & crocheter and when I am not sure of the sex, I use a mixture of colors or bright colors. I'll make bright red booties, or deep purple ones. I'll also do various shades of greens, oranges, yellows, and sometimes when I have a stash of blue and pink, I'll do an item in those colors combined. I don't believe we should assign a color for the baby. Why stigmatize it before it has a chance to discover itself.

  • Sarah Sarah on Apr 11, 2017

    A gender neutral diaper cake !!

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  • Roanne Roanne on Apr 26, 2017

    A neutral colored blanket is always nice - yellow, green, etc.

  • Peggy Peggy on Jun 13, 2017

    My oldest daughter just had her gender reveal party last night. I made an 8 layer cake. Pink then blue then repeat 4 times. Frosted the cake with pink and blue frosting but frosted it in 4ths. The theme was Putters or Pearls so I made 2 putters out of grey and black fondant securing them with a toothpick and crisscrossed them on top on the blue frosting then bought candy pearls and placed on pink frosting making them into a necklace. I crossed the pearl candy directly under the crossed putters. (by the way, I am having my 1st grand baby and he is a boy)