HELP. Need ideas for glass front door.

by Debbie
Need privacy ideas for front door that is glass and facing busy street. Thanks
  6 answers
  • there are lots of frosted peel and stick products. But have you seen this spray paint, works really well. as long as you don't rent:

    comment photo
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 01, 2017

    Home Depot sells privacy window film in rolls that you can cut to size your windows.

  • Grandmaquilts Grandmaquilts on May 01, 2017

    Modge Podge. Put it on in a swirling pattern. Will distort image- put still let light in. I believe it can be removed later with a glass scraper. Try first on old picture frame.

  • Beth Shorts Beth Shorts on May 01, 2017

    Home Depot sells some lovely privacy window films in all sorts of patterns. I used a stained glass window film on my bathroom window, which faces the front of the house. It's simple to remove if you ever decide to move.

  • William William on May 02, 2017

    Translucent Contact Paper (all kinds of patterns), frosted paint like Elizabeth suggests. Love the Mod Podge idea from Grandmaquilts.

  • Tam19744081 Tam19744081 on May 02, 2017

    I really like the frosted glass spray that Elizabeth suggested because you can layer it to the desired effect. We had a bathroom window that faced the street and it worked perfectly.