Any ideas for this?

by Angel
I'm parting out our old crib set and this is one of the items. Any creative ideas for this? The only thing I have come up with is putting hardware on it for a coat rack or hat rack. It's about 7/34" W and 50" L. Thank you in advance.
  6 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on May 07, 2017

    I like your idea! You could also chalk paint it (or stain it if you like the color, put some hooks on it, and hang it in the kitchen or entryway - you could hang practical things like keys, etc.

  • A A on May 07, 2017

    If your child is into stuffed animals, or can't part with them at any age, hang your crib section from the ceiling in their bedroom and attach stuffed animals hammocks for storage and display. Amazon has one for 6.99 (and it's a Prime item, if you have a subscription). It's can also be a bit of nostalgia for you, using the crib piece.

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  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on May 07, 2017

    hang it horizontally with black and white photos (maybe of baby?)

  • MADECK MADECK on May 07, 2017

    How about adding little rectangular containers to use it as a spice rack on the wall or a inside door in the kitchen? You could use those small desk trays/bins.

    Glue them on or drill holes to attach to the long side pieces! Or even hanging plant hooks -you know with arm/hook on them two or three and hang the piece lengthwise on a porch, outside garage, patio or even on a wall in the house--room of your choice.have fun with it..But don't toss it out!☺

  • C.B. C.B. on May 17, 2017

    My suggestion: I see that it has hinges on one edge...I'd add 2 more hinges, on the opposite side, under the edge, but the hinges would hinge parallel to the wood you need extra shoe/boot space?

    Do you have a hall closet? A mud room? A laundry room where boots & shoes are removed?

    Measure the space & cut the piece to fit, measure the height you would need ABOVE other shoes/boots [that would sit on the floor space]; cut 2 'Leg Sticks' to attach to the ends of the main piece [think up-side-down "L" shape]-these pieces should fit against the wall inside the space you measured earlier. Once in position, mark where they sit & attach the hinge to the main piece AND to each 'Leg Stick"...Attach the main piece to the back wall so that it can be folded up out of the way if needed. With the main piece in position: you have a shoe/boot shelf that can be lifted up out of the way-if needed...the 'Leg Sticks' can be collapsed against the main piece & then let down again to support the 'main shelf' where you can place 'extra shoes/boots.'

  • 17335038 17335038 on May 18, 2017

    When I saw the hinges it made me think of laundry room drying racks that are used frequently in the U.K. As the piece is not that wide, possible it could be mounted higher up on a wall in a bathroom for extra towel storage?