Any ideas on repurposing this cd cabinet ?

by Trisha
Looking for ideas on how to repurpose this cd cabinet.
I was thinking a mini bar but wine glasses are too tall.
The shelves aren't removable so I'm limited on height.
I am planning on painting it with chalk paint.

Picked up at a garage sale for $10.
  6 answers
  • Ken Ken on Apr 16, 2018

    Now you know why it was only $10 for such a nice cabinet. Like television entertainment centers it does not fit with today's technology. I might have a tough time putting paint over what appears to be oak veneer. But I like oak.

    For ideas, the best place to look is Pinterest. You will be able to see pictures of what others have done. I find Pinterest to be annoying to navigate but keep working with it, trying of different search terms, and you will find lots of good ideas for this and your next great garage sale find.

    If you cut grooves in the shelves you can hang your stemware by the base. Should be tall enough for that. Cutting out one shelf in the back and installing a new one lower would give you clearance for standing bottles. Wood species doesn't need to match if it's painted.

    • Trisha Trisha on Apr 17, 2018

      Thanks Ken,

      You are so right about technology.

      Craigslist is full of free television entertainment centers.

      I have a bad habit of buying things because they are a good deal.

      Then wonder "what am I going to do with this" lol!

  • Christierei Christierei on Apr 17, 2018

    I think those were used for crafts and sewing. It could be used for holiday decor, crafts, hobby supplies, office supplies, makeup .... Or as a food pantry. If you want a bar.... get smaller glasses. Get the ones with out stems. Glue a basket inside and lthe glasses on their side. You can thinj of something.

    • Trisha Trisha on Apr 17, 2018


      Using it as a pantry is a great idea.

      I also liked the suggestion of glueing baskets inside.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 17, 2018

    I would definitely paint it a fresh new color. Really excited to see what you do!

  • TexasTea TexasTea on Apr 17, 2018

    If you are into sewing or quilting it would be a perfect storage/display for lovely fat quarter cuts of fabric.

    • Trisha Trisha on Apr 17, 2018

      Thanks Tea but this girl doesn't sew.

      I appreciate you taking the time to chime in : )

  • Leslie Leslie on Apr 05, 2022

    Make a jewelry organizer out of it. I’m doing that to one I purchased