Diy inspiration with laminated floor? How can I repurpose?

Michela Seve
by Michela Seve
I everyone! I have few pieces (approx 2 squared meters)of laminated wood for flooring.
the color is grey (durmast) - see pic.
what can I realize with it?
  2 answers
  • Maybe make a planter box? Or perhaps it could be a cocktail table base with a glass top?

  • Nancy Gramm Nancy Gramm on May 08, 2017

    I saw them a couple of shots of pieces joined together to make a long board. One had them layered in an offset arrangement, and knobs were added to make a wall hanger. The other was straight, also with knobs. Apparently I didn't save the images but managed to find a couple where floor samples were made into art. Perhaps they'll inspire you.

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