I want to know how can I decorate my backyard?

by Sylma
and also my deck
please help me with ideas the car dont go there is grass under
i need to know how can i decorate simple and cheap
  6 answers
  • Gale O'Neal Gale O'Neal on May 09, 2017

    For the deck: First power wash the deck. Then paint it or stain it. That will freshen it up immediately. If that is a driveway you are wanting to do something with, you can again paint your fence the same as the deck. Add some cans that you perferated and place a solar light inside and other cans you can paint and place flowers in (real is always nice , you can always get small cheap plants to place in cans for cheap (just change out when they are done. Dollar store flowers that you change with the season would be nice and cheap) I do that with a planter near my front door and change it out with the season. Everyone compliments my flowers, thinking they are real!

    comment photo
  • Sylma Sylma on May 09, 2017

    thanks in the backyard i want to put nice flowers and decorate nice and simple the deck needs a patio set and decorations also but dont know how to start 😀

    • Margaret Margaret on May 10, 2017

      Hi Sylma, You have good ideas. After the car is gone, your husband could help you dig up and loosen the soil where the car driving over it packed it down. Then you could rake it level and plant grass seed to cover your whole lawn to get it started again. It wouldn't take long if you watered it every day to get the seeds growing new grass. After it is growing you could add fertilizer to make it grow thick and green. I think your deck and fence would be pretty painted white after you pressure washed it or just hosed it down and scrubbed it. 'Porch' paint comes in many colors. You could start by buying the same color outdoor chairs for each family member, then add a table, cooking grill and any other things to make it a comfortable place to sit, relax, talk and enjoy something to drink and eat. You could get inexpensive plastic pots, potting soil and flower plants for your deck. You could also go to yard sales and look for cheap things you like. It all depends how much money you have to or want to spend. Down in your yard, you could put more pots to grow things in or find free wooden pallets to take apart and make raised beds for your flowers or some vegetables. You can do amazing things with a little money and a lot of creativity and work. I think some raised bed garden planters along the fences and a place to sit down with a cold drink on a hot day would be very pleasant for you. You can buy vegetable and flower starts at places like Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes or green houses where you live. Have fun making your home beautiful and comfortable for your family to enjoy.

  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on May 09, 2017

    Buy large pots in coordinating colors or all the same color. Plastic or ceramic hold moisture better than clay but clay is probably cheaper. When you say 'car don't go' do you mean it doesn't run? Can you push it closer under the balcony? Buy blooming plants that do well in your location. Tags in the plants give info about sunlight, depth to plant, water needs, and how far apart to plant them. Use this info to buy plants that will do well in a pot together. Sometimes the clerks are knowledgeable, sometimes not. Pick vibrant colors that you like, that look good with each other, and look good in your pots. I love pinks, purples, and yellow around my pale yellow house. Bright yellow or orange look good with hot pinks. If you like less vibrant colors, do all white. Pick tall, short, and something to hang over the side. Or put only one type plant in each pot. You can put hanging pots using your balcony or eaves. Put an outdoor carpet, a small table and a couple of chairs on the balcony. Don't put a lot of tiny objects or it starts looking junky. Don't use wind chimes if they'll bother neighbors.

  • Sylma Rosario Sylma Rosario on May 09, 2017

    thanks, i mean im taking the car out of there my husband is taking it out so i have more space

  • Sylma Rosario Sylma Rosario on May 10, 2017

    thanks love your ideas I really like them

  • Jean Thompson Jean Thompson on May 10, 2017

    I agree with above.. Power wash everything, make repairs where needed. Prime and Paint the Deck and lattace/Railing. Think Color- floor of deck could be a light Tan, every thing else White or could use accent colors on The Railings and top boards of the sides.. Paint The Fence.. Start simple with some Bright different colored Chairs and White Table.. . some Lanterns or strings of lights for evenings. Bright pillows on the Lounge Chairs... Hanging plants on the sides of the Deck that would over hang to the outside... You can put plant hangers on the fence too. ( if this is not your fence get permission from neighbors to paint and hang stuff). Several Large containers ( doesn't need to be Clay pots , could be as simple as plastic buckets from Lowes or Home Depot etc.) with small holes drilled in bottoms, some gravel for drainage and potting soil with some bright Geraniums planted. or even veggie plants down along the fence. They could be moved up close to the house in winter time.. Hope this helps. + check Yard Sales for Lawn furniture or even old DR chairs, or Benches ( just a good coat of outdoor paint and You have seating). I just found this Here on HomeTalk-

    **Build a Dining Chair Bench

    Cher @ Designs By Studio...Hometalker