What can I do about a flooded yard?

Donna Landa
by Donna Landa
The back part of our yard gets flooded after a heavy rain. What is a good way to prevent this from happening? It is in the area where my vegetable garden is.
  2 answers
  • Susan Susan on May 12, 2017

    Without seeing your property, hard to say what the options are-we have sloped property and have dug culverts to divert the water away from the driveway and the back yard-one is just a trench running alongside the driveway, the others we dug narrow trenches and put in PVC to divert the water down a hill. Another option is to use raised beds in your vegetable garden -this might give the soil some leverage over the water.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on May 12, 2017

    I agree with Susan. What you're probably needing is called a French drain. I dug one about ten inches deep, ran a 6" flexible drainpipe that I bought at Home Depot in the trench ( it has holes to channel the water) to a better place where the water would drain, and then filled over with stones. If you want to grow grass over the ditch, buy the pipe with a "sock" cover so that the soil won't get in the holes.