Ideas for kitchen Window Dressing

by JD
I am sooo tired of the mini blinds on my over the sink kitchen window and I'm not sure I want to swap out with curtains. Any other ideas to make the area look fresh that won't harbor dirt and dust? icon
  7 answers
  • Ronda Jaramillo Ronda Jaramillo on May 12, 2017

    Roman shades are a nice alternative. They lay flat when down and have a nice layered look when drawn up. If you're a little crafty, you can make your own like I did. You can find direction on-line. It's been a while since I made them.

    comment photo
  • Jayme Rudolph Jayme Rudolph on May 12, 2017

    I found an old small stained glass window at an antique store for fifty bucks. I cleaned it, painted it with a thinned down mixture of elmer glue and water on the frame. It had a chippy paint finish on the frame, and this will bind down the lead paint. Added a chain and hung it in the window. It was about 18" x 22". The sun shining through it is pretty. It is not ornate per say. Just a window with frosted glass and a little simple design in the middle of colored glass. If you don't want to fool with this...look for a stained glass window sun catcher on eBay or etsy to put in it. They have pretty big ones.

    • JD JD on May 12, 2017

      Great suggestion. I might look for an inexpensive stained glass. Or, I just had the idea of making an art glass mosaic. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Caseyem11 Caseyem11 on May 12, 2017

    A glass shelf across the middle of the window with pretty colored glass bottles.

  • Gail Gail on May 12, 2017

    ARTSCAPE makes a plastic cling that appears to be stained glass or clear with an etched picture of; for example, a light house. Some you can see out of, some you cannot. they are reusable and are around $20.00.

  • Beth Shorts Beth Shorts on May 12, 2017

    hang some lovely full houseplants from hooks above your kitchen window :) even better if some of those plants are herbs you can use when you cook :)

  • JD JD on May 12, 2017

    Omg - all of your suggestions are fabulous. I guess I was stuck in a rut! Thank you everyone - now I have a tough time deciding!

  • Pat Pat on May 12, 2017

    I put short white sheers in my kitchen windows over the sink. Then tied them back with various things.....colored cord..plastic greenery... beads.....for Christmas I put red poinsettias..looked very fresh and airy. Didn't seem to get dirty as they just came to the sill but easy to wash too.