What helps keep dampness,an staleness out of your house?

by Barb
  5 answers
  • I am not sure about a home remedy but a product like this (I think mine had a lavender scent) helped me when the hot water heater broke and flooded our basement. there are various types, brands and sizes. It was really amazed that it worked.

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  • Ginny Ginny on May 16, 2017

    A dehumidifier for the basement is a good place to start. With summer upon us, open windows for ventilation and raise blinds or curtains (if you have them) on the sunny side of the house to allow sun in. There are also products at big box hardware stores to combat stale smells.

  • David David on May 16, 2017

    You didn't state where you live, but if the outdoor air isn't too humid, you may consider an attic fan, blowing air out. Then you can open downstairs windows to let in fresh air. You might consider using the fan in the evening ehen it's cooler.

    A dehumidifier can help too, but be sure to check for mold, especially in basements. If you have mold, you need to clean it up.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 16, 2017

    Dehumidifier,attic fan if possible,of course air conditioning if possible,and place open boxes of baking soda for odor,and for dampness Damp rid is the best product to use.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 17, 2017

    Make sure you have good ventilation, it makes all the difference. If not, add fans and dehumidifier s to keep the moistness out. Good luck!