Any ideas of re-purposing an old enamel bowl for the garden?

by Elmarie
It still has its original stand.
it is similar to the photo
  13 answers
  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on May 25, 2017

    If it's large enough you could fill the bowl with ice and keep a few drinks chilled in it. You could drill a few drainage holes in the bowl bottom and use it as an eye catching planter. Or, how about a unique bird bath/waterer for your feathered friends?

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 25, 2017

    Drill holes in the bottom and spray paint them fun colors and plant

  • Alicia Stein Alicia Stein on May 25, 2017

    Once I took a small nursery pot, flipped it over, covered it rocks. inserted a small pump. Added a pond water feature on the pot. So it look like a frog sitting on the banks spitting water. I do not have pictures of it.

    comment photo
  • Linda Snow Dart Linda Snow Dart on May 25, 2017

    Make a fairy garden.

  • Sherrie Brown Sherrie Brown on May 25, 2017

    Literalmy turn it upside down and make an outdoor light fixture from it.

  • Alisa Howard Alisa Howard on May 25, 2017

    I'm thinking bird bath or feeder...

  • Elmarie Elmarie on May 25, 2017

    Thank you all for the amazing ideas. :-)

  • Pat Ruge Pat Ruge on May 25, 2017

    I am so jealous. With that out of the way... First let me say, do not, I repeat, do not attempt to drill holes in them. The porcelain/enamel finish will break and chip away and then your pans will begin to rust away. I don't think you want that. If you want to plant flowers/plants, then place a saucer under and insert a pot over that. You need the drainage, but if done correctly, the planter pot will be hidden.

    If you chose to make a bird bath (yet another great idea), then I would run a pipe up the side, add a faucet and attach some crystals to make the appearance of water falling from it.

    • See 1 previous
    • Kate Baxter Kate Baxter on May 25, 2017

      Make sure you have something like a brick or large rock for the smaller birds to perch on. Something that deep is great for the big birds to splash around in but small birds need something shallower. The bowl on my stone birdbath which was over 25 years old just crumbled. I went to buy a new one and the costs were tremendous. I ended up buying a plastic plant tray 18 inches round and glued it to the birdbath stand. I put a grouping of stones in it and the birds love to hop onto the stones and drink and bath. The ones on the rim just have a drink. It cost me 10.00 (CDN) plus the cost of the glue.

  • Iberkeley Iberkeley on May 25, 2017

    I am with Pat: they are so pretty and her potting idea is great: Set a pot inside and cover with moss etc. But the stands are wonderful.

  • Marcie Marcie on May 25, 2017

    way cool stands!For some garden bling, hang some beads down from the wire stands. I love the fairy garden idea...

  • MadameRã MadameRã on May 25, 2017

    I have a couple of these..after proper priming & gold spray painting,i find old glass fish bowels to fit, rather than go back to science in ones childs days, purchase a lovely crystal scenery( they are in craft shops/even book shops,& alter the design from whats on the packet so to fit your bowel..) The only other things i needed & always have is plenty of unusual plastic pieces,& they always work to add to creating something one wants... after you have set up & done the easy crystals setting, watch it grow; it takes a few days but the next day one can see it starting,& to keep it growing add a touch of pink salt occasionally & a drop of water (is required not to let dry out completely).... it looks so pretty & very unusual that ALL will be drawn into looking at your piece... I created a small mountain with ice at the peaks, along with blossom trees on top & around,& some tiny flowers; note use darker shades of cardboard as you may not like what is supplied in the packet,& it looks more real... to get the zig zag affect to produce the flowers & the carboard colour isn't what you want(as the crystals will attract more dynamically with the darker colours, therefore giving just better colour), so some good zig zag scissors are needed but hey, i have found some childs ones to be just as good...•Good scissors though can be used for so many quick needed ideas... however if you are a crafter you would have these anyway i believe... Have fun, use the mind to alter what the box pic shows; so to fit your bowel...& apart from remebering the fun one had making crystals when young, if you have children they to will admire you...& Dads can do it to its that simple..

    Heart thoughts,& enjoy:)))

  • Doni G. Doni G. on May 26, 2017

    They are beautiful and perfect for a bird bath and fountain in your garden. Bees and butterflies would also appreciate the water. Floating solar fountains are great and inexpensive. They also have several nozzles so you can get just the right spray for your liking. A climbing flower planted at the base would turn this into a beautiful focal point.

  • MH MH on May 26, 2017

    Attach chains by drilling in 3 places and hang from brackets, don't forget to drill drainage holes in the bottom too