Asked on Jul 18, 2017

What color curtain you would use for white walls and gray floor?

by Ann

Gray sofa

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jul 18, 2017

    what color is the furniture?

  • Molly Anmar Molly Anmar on Jul 18, 2017

    Use whatever color you like.

    White and gray are both neutrals. If you want to go with a really coordinated, monochromatic look, go with white or gray. Maybe something like a suiting pinstripe or chalkstripe for a very tailored look.

    If you want a a more casual pop of color, then red, turquoise or yellow would all be terrific.

  • Gma Kirk Gma Kirk on Jul 18, 2017

    It depends on whether you want to draw attention to your windows/window treatments or have them remain a neutral back drop. I personally prefer the backdrop, as I change out curtains much less often, and would use a white that is similar to the shade of white the walls are- some whites are creamy, others cool.

  • Michele Service Michele Service on Jul 18, 2017

    I also prefer the curtains to be more of a backdrop--something neutral or an exact color match to the walls. Many others prefer to use printed fabric to draw together the favorite colors in the room (usually with solid-colored furniture). Some people want a "pop" of color for the window treatment, to otherwise brighten an otherwise bland color scheme.

    Keep in mind that with whites and grays, ANY COLOR you choose would be lovely EXCEPT, in my opinion, the ones with yellowish/brownish undertones like beiges, oranges, browns. And if you wish to use greenish shades, get TRUE green, or something with a blue undertone. Also, black and red are really pretty with gray and white.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Jul 18, 2017

    A gray print, gray stripe, or gray toile. Any curtain that has both colors at a minimum - with other colors to contrast if you like, would look awesome!

  • Elaine Elaine on Jul 18, 2017

    I usually always blend my curtains/drapes with the wall color, when possible. Gray and green have a tendency to really "suck" up (or absorb) any light coming into a room, therefore, I would really avoid gray. I also fear you might find it a bit depressing and suggest an off-white. Make sure it isn't too "yellow-ish" and avoid stark white. I recently moved into a condo with taupe colored walls and am hanging warm white curtains. I normally would have matched the wall color BUT this time, haven't blended with my walls because I have enough taupe in the room already (with taupe couches) plus the room is mostly windows with white California shutters. Therefore, I am hanging off-white curtains at the slider/balcony door as it will repeat the colors of the shutters. However, as I said, I usually blend curtains with the wall color as it gives a "seamless" look and the colors "flow" or blend together.

  • Jacks Beta Jacks Beta on Jul 18, 2017

    My walls are grey, my sofa is a darker grey. all my trim is white, so I did a grey and white stripe. curtain.

    comment photo
  • Ras25497888 Ras25497888 on Jul 18, 2017

    I would use a bright yellow.

  • Emily Emily on Jul 18, 2017

    I would use white curtains. But it depends on how big your room is, what color the furniture is, how much you want to spend.

  • Mbe34198821 Mbe34198821 on Oct 07, 2018

    Thank you for your comments.. My living room is big with sliding door and a big window its an open plan dining & lounge