I have a neat large picture of a red flower backround is off white

Maggie Setter
by Maggie Setter
what color should I paint the wall its a bed room also color for bedspread I tried gray but made the backround look dirty dont like biege its been that color for to long HELP

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 25, 2017


  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Aug 25, 2017

    You could use the same color as the background . . . an off white, satin, or cream. Or use the color of the flower but in the lightest shade possible, which would be a very faint pink. Either choice would really make the flower in the painting pop! Then, for instance, you could use a cream colored bedspread with accent pillows the same shade as your flower.

  • Dl.5660408 Dl.5660408 on Aug 25, 2017

    What color is your frame? If your frame is black you might try a darker grey for more contrast. Have you considered a red wall?

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 25, 2017

    Perhaps an off white in the same family as the background, but not necessarily the same color.

  • Barb Barb on Aug 25, 2017

    Ok a did my homework without a photo😊 I would paint just the wall behind the bed in red and I found a few comforter sets from kohls and if you have a credit card they are having that 30% sale going on and I have the code if you need it. Here are a few photos below and you can check them out on line. I choose red and beige to keep with the other wall color and that picture that sounds stunning and this will tie it altogether

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  • Carol Carol on Aug 25, 2017

    Pale aqua looks good with red, great with the white background

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 25, 2017

    Pale Green

  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Aug 25, 2017

    I would go with a white. Look at the palette I am including.

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  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on Aug 26, 2017

    Are you using a third accent color in the room that you can pull from to at least paint an accent wall? Or, have you considered using shiplap for an accent wall?

  • Ptrish Ptrish on Aug 27, 2017

    play off the colors in the picture. I would probably use a toned down flower color at least on one wall. How fun if you could do a wood accent wall as well