Our front patio has tiles that some have cracked from the rest of the

by Jaf13917317
platform. Underneath is some kind of sponge material that the tiles sit on. The same tiles edge our back patio and also our back entry door into the house. First I have to find the terra cotta looking tiles that are the same size as the front, back patio and the edge lined underneath the back door. Do I need special tools and what kind of material would glue the tiles if it rains, etc.

  1 answer
  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 02, 2017

    It is likely that the tiles have cracked due to the ground underneath them not being levelled before the tiles were installed, or that the ground underneath has shifted over time. Therefore it must be re-levelled before tiles are replaced and reinstalled. From your description, it seems that the tiles been installed over a layer of underlay (?)

    If you posted a picture, Hometalkers would be able to give you answers that are more specific to yur situation.

    • See 1 previous
    • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 04, 2017

      You're welcome. I am not surprised to hear that a pine tree is the cause of the problem. They can be devils, and if not removed now, will keep on growing and will continue to cause more problems.

      Yes, $1100 at first seems high, but that is the going rate for something not easy, and that few can do on their own. Try to keep in mind that it is a one-time cost, and divide it over the years in the future that your house and foundation will be safe (and also no more needles or pinecones!)

      Keep asking questions here on Hometalk. That way we all can continue to learn from each other.