How do you attach a frame to a canvas?

Marla Merritt
by Marla Merritt
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 10, 2017

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Oct 10, 2017

    you stretch the canvas over the frame, and starting at the middle on each side, staple the canvas to the back of the frame. Once you attach the first staple do the side directly across from it, and stretch it taut before stapling. Then do the same on the other side. That should create the firmness so that you can just pull the remaining canvas in place on the rest of each side and staple it. Trim off excess, and it should be ready to gesso, if you are using it for painting.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Oct 10, 2017

    If this is a 1 inch or so canvas (like for oil paints) the frame fits in tight. You have really no need to attach it- it squeezes right in to the frame.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Oct 10, 2017

    I think you should use a staple gun or a nail gun. Pull the canvas tight and secure.