Asked on Mar 14, 2014

Lost project for painted vines on crack in cement driveway

by Muriel
I showed my husband a picture of the project.. He bought the paint and is ready to do the driveway but I can't find the project again. Want to know any steps for preparing driveway and see again how the vines were done. Thanks
  7 answers
  • Betty Perrault Betty Perrault on Mar 14, 2014
    @ muriel, just hose down the cement let dry, then use Patio Paint . voile'
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Mar 15, 2014
    Hi Muriel, Sorry I have been AWOL for a while been sitting in ICU with my hubby. I will try to give you how-tos ASAP. The concrete needs to be prepared to receive paint. I used muriatic acid to clean the old concrete. You spray it on making sure you are safely covered. Let it bubble, bubble toil and trouble, Then using a spray hose you clean all the gunk off. It might have to be done several times. Remember water and baking soda will stop muriatic acid. I used a Roto-Zip and carved my vines and leaves along the crack lines. When done I cleaned it again. I used green and brown concrete acid stain to emphasize the cracks. I added more carves cracks to show a nice viney flow. When the colors were at what I wanted I sealed the whole thing with a outdoor wet-look concrete finish. This brightens the colors and helps preserve your project. OR- You could just: Betty's way, sounds a whole lot easier. Not sure of the final results though. I would have to try it.Betty Perrault Meadview, AZ just hose down the cement let dry, then use Patio Paint . voile Here is the "Lost" link.
  • Muriel Muriel on Mar 15, 2014
    Thanks to you both. It has given my husband some ideas to ponder. Now it's his department. One neighbor is coming for updates already so he has been talking about it as well. I will take before and after pictures..
  • Lynnpaulus Lynnpaulus on Mar 17, 2014
    I am of no assistance,,,,but, would love to do the same....please let me know when you get the info...thank you, Lynn (
  • Muriel Muriel on Mar 17, 2014
    I am really new to this site. How do I find you again to show you the series of pics I am taking? Also When I 'pin' things does it keep them somewhere for me to find or how do I do this? Thanks for help. Muriel I do see you put your email. Is that safe on this site?
  • Muriel Muriel on Mar 20, 2014
    Lynn, the project is complete on that side. I have all the pictures. Now, how do I share the project? I am new to this hometalk site. Thanks. Muriel
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  • Muriel Muriel on Mar 20, 2014
    I have more pictures if anyone wants to see them. I am hoping he will do the other drive, as well as the patio. I'd like more 'Ivy/vines with flowers next job. He met a lot of our neighbors who stopped to watch. He could start a business just from word of mouth of people stopping to look. He is 81 and this is strictly a hobby. :)